Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Real Challange of Giving

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Thursday, June 30, 2011 (10:28 am)

Anyone can give away something they don't like.. or something they have plenty of..

But I think the real challange of giving is when you only have one thing in particular that you're soo fond of but you have to give it away, huahahahahaha..

Can you do that? ;)

Topic ended : Thursday, June 30, 2011 (10:29 am)


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Terima Kasih, Tuhan, Atas CiptaanMu Nan Rupawan

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Kamis, 23 Juni 2011 (4:26 pm)

Sebenernya gua udah lupa tentangnya sampai gua kembali melihatnya di hari Minggu sekian minggu yang lalu.

Dan gua pun kembali lupa akan hal ini sampai di hari Jumat (17/6) lalu temen gua menyinggungnya dalam SMS dan di hari Sabtu (18/6) ketika jalan bareng dia, kembali bertemu dengan topik postingan kali ini, ahahaha..

Apakah topik yang dimaksud ituu?

Tak lain dan tak bukan tentang wajah2 nan rupawan yang ada di sekitar gua, wakakakakakak..

Kadang gua mikir ke mana ajaa yaa gua sampai2 ngga menyadari keberadaan merekaa :p

Tapi beneran dhe, ngga tau kenapa.. belakangan ini kok gua mulai menemukan wajah2 rupawan di tengah kerumunan, ahahahaha..

Mari kita data, siapa2 aja yang udah menarik perhatian gua lebih dari yang lainnya.

Lebih baik kita mulai dari si Lesung Pipit karena dia yang pertama kali menyadarkan gua bahwa masih ada stok wajah2 rupawan toh di sekitar itu, wakakakakak..

-paused : Kamis, 23 Juni 2011 (9:17 pm)-

Topic continues : Rabu, 29 Juni 2011 (6:41 pm)

Kenapa dia dinamakan Lesung Pipit? Bukan karena dia punya lesung pipit sih karena sebenernya gua juga udah kaga terlalu inget wajah persisnya itu seperti apa, wakakakak.. cuman seinget gua sih orangnya lumayan manis and akan lebih bagus lagi kalo ternyata dia punya lesung pipit :p Si Lesung Pipit itu gua liatnya di gereja, hanya 2 kali karena setelah itu dia kemudian menghilang atau dia tetap datang ke gereja tapi duduknya jauuh dari pandangan mata gua, haha..

Dari si Lesung Pipit mari kita melanjutkan perjalanan ke.. si Kalem, nah khusus untuk yang satu inii.. dia itu emang asli dhe kalem, wakakakak.. 

Dan siapakah si Kalem inii? Dia adalahh.. yang bagian ngetik2 hampir tiap kali gua ngepos di Tiki deket rumah, sepertinya sih itu perusahaan keluarga and dia itu salah satu anaknya.. 

Tapi aslii boo.. gua sebenernya rada minder juga ama nih orang, abisnya yaa.. suaranya itu lembuuuuuuutt bangetss.. duhh, sebagai yang berjenis kelamin wanita, gua merasa tersaingi, wakakakakak.. karena aslii suara dia itu lebih lemah lembut dibanding suara gua :p

Lucunya yaa.. beberapa hari yang lalu tanpa ada angin tanpa ada ujan, sopir gua tau2 komen gini, "Itu yang di Tiki kok orangnya lembut ya?"

Gua sampe menatap sopir gua itu sambil berusaha membaca ada maksud apaan di balik pertanyaannya itu, ahahaha, karena sekitar 2 or 3 hari sebelonnya, gua itu baru cerita ke nyokap gua kalo yang di Tiki itu lumayan cakeps cuman ya ituu.. kelewat 'lembut', wakakakakak :p

Berikutnya ituu.. si Machoo.. nah nahh.. gua sebenernya rada bingung juga ama selera gua, haha.. karena kalo ditanya, secara fisik itu gua suka pria yang seperti apa, gua pasti menjawab ala standar "tinggi, putih" padahal yaa in real lifee.. yang membuat gua suka lebih dari sekedar suka melihatnya itu justru umumnya ngga putih2 amat, hahaha.. mungkin karena deep2 down, gua itu ngga kepengen kesaing ama warna kulit gua yang ngga bisa dibilang putih juga, wakakakakak :p

Baliikk.. lalu siapakah si Macho inii? Dia ituu.. adanya di counter nasi campur di salah satu mal di kawasan Serpong :D Nahh.. artinyaa kalo sama dia mah dijamin makan udah ngga perlu kuatir dhe, asaaaall.. elo ngebayar, wakakakakak.. enak aja mo minta gratisan, emang dia siapanya eloo?! :p

Tadinya siklus makhluk2 Tuhan nan rupawan ituu.. gua pikir udah mandek di angka 3 aja, tapi ternyataa.. belon lho boo.. karena wajah2 nan rupawan itu masih silih berganti memanjakan mata gua.

Salah satunya itu adalah si Ganteng yang gua temui di hari Sabtu (18/6) di salah satu departemen store di sebuah mal di kawasan Jakarta Selatan, dia itu marketing sebuah bank internasional yang beroperasi di Indonesia.

Alamaaakk.. sesuai dengan julukannya, nih orang emang cakepssss boo, paling cakeps di antara makhluk2 rupawan lainnya yang membuat gua menuliskan postingan ini, hihihi.. and wajahnya itu mengingatkan gua akan idola gua semasa gua kecil dulu, Andy Lau, huehehehe.. beneraaann.. menurut mata gua sih dia mirips ama Andy Lau, hahahaha.. makanya biar udah nolak ngisi aplikasi kartu kredit, gua ama temen gua masih nengok2 ke belakang buat menatap sosoknya itu yang masih tetap ganteng dari kejauhan, wakakakakak :p

Last but not least hari Minggu (25/6) lalu di kawasan Kelapa Gading, gua bertemu dengan si Flamboyan, naahh yang satu ini juga ganteng pisaaann.. ketemunya di apotik di mal yang ada di barisan depan dekat jalan raya.

Duhh, walau gua tau ada beberapa orang yang anti melihat pria memakai baju berwarna pink, menurut gua pink pantas2 aja melekat di tubuhnya yang lumayan atletis dengan potongan rambut yang sebahu, huaa.. cakeps dhe, beneraann!

Demikian, laporan pandangan mata dari beragam tempat di kawasan Jakarta dan Serpong. Jangan lupa yaa besok2 ke manapun kalian pergi, buka mata lebar2 karena beneran dhe.. masih banyak kok wajah2 rupawan ciptaan Tuhan yang berada di sekitar kita, hahaha.. and sekedar menikmati ciptaanNya itu ngga salah khan, asal jangan sampai menyerobot lahan tetangga :p

Okee dokee.. lega rasanya berhasil menyelesaikan postingan yang satu ini, ahahahaha.. marii marii.. kita lanjutkan mengetik postingan lainnya yang banyaaaak tertunda.

Topic ended : Rabu, 29 Juni 2011 (6:59 pm)


QoD : Do You Love Me Today?

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Kamis, 23 Juni 2011 (7:18 pm)

Beberapa hari ini gua sering menanyakan pada ortu gua, "Apakah Mami/Papi sayang ama aku hari ini?"

Pertanyaan ini mungkin terdengar aneh ya, ahahahaha.. iya sih, kalo dipikir2 emang rada kerasa aneh juga, wakakakak..

Laluu.. kalo udah tau aneh, kenapa juga gua tetap menanyakannya?

Ngga tau juga, mungkin karena kebawa ama pembahasan pas terakhir kali pergi ama Lusia and Imel hari Sabtu lalu yang mana kita itu ngebahas betapa yang namanya perasaan itu amat sangat mungkin berubah!

Well, sebenernya sih ini bukan berita baru sih cuman semakin lama gua semakin menyadari the 'value' of 'now', hari ini, saat ini, sekarang.. karena really, kalo dipikir2 hanya sekaranglah satu2nya waktu yang bisa kita nikmati.

Yesterday has been gone and tomorrow I might never see, so all I have is today.. so I need to know.. do you love me today?

Topic ended : Rabu, 29 Juni 2011 (4:25 pm)

Bener khan? Siapa yang bisa menjamin bahwa esok hari itu kita masih bisa bernapas dan menikmati hidup di dunia ini? Dan kemaren.. seenak2nya apa yang kita alami kemaren ituu.. ketika telah berlalu maka hanya tinggal menjadi kenangan belaka!

Maka dari itu benar juga ya apa yang dibilang di Alkitab bahwa kesusahan untuk sehari cukuplah untuk sehari aja karena hari esok itu mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri, lupaa ada di mana ayat yang bersangkutan, hahaha..

Dan gua selalu ngga bisa menjawab ketika ditanya balik, "Emang besok ngga bakal sayang?"

Huehehehe.. begini yaa.. maunya gua sih yaa tetap sayang donks aww untuk selamanyaa.. tapii.. berhubung gua khan ngga tau apa yang bakal terjadi keesokan harinya, jadi gimana caranya gua memastikan sesuatu yang bahkan gua kaga tau?

Karena gimana yaa.. buat gua mengiyakan sesuatu itu ibarat janji dan janji itu sebisa mungkin harus dipenuhi, iya khan?

Dan kadang gua pikir ada banyak hal di luar kendali gua yang bisa mengubah sesuatu yang gua pikir ngga akan pernah berubah. 

Jadi gua lebih milih untuk menyimpan jawabannya dalam hati dan berusaha sebisa mungkin menjaga rasa yang ada agar tetap ada di tempat ia seharusnya berada tanpa perlu menggumbar kata.

Walau tetapp.. gua sesekali akan terus mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama, "Apakah Mami/Papi sayang ama aku hari ini?"

Karena hari ini.. aku sayang sama kalian (dan untuk selamanya, aku hanya bisa berharap rasa itu akan selalu ada).

Topic ended : Rabu, 29 Juni 2011 (4:46 pm)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

WGBH-FM, Boston MA

WGBH (89.7 FM MHz) is a public radio station located in Boston, Massachusetts. WGBH Educational Foundation received its first broadcasting license (for radio) in 1951 under the auspices of the Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council, a consortium of local universities and cultural institutions, whose collaboration stems from an 1836 bequest by textile manufacturer John Lowell, Jr. calling for free public lectures for the citizens of Boston. WGBH signed on October 6, 1951, with a live broadcast of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.WGBH is a member station of NPR and PRI. The license-holder is the WGBH Educational Foundation, which also owns WGBH-TV and WGBX-TV. The station, dubbed "Boston's NPR Station for News and Culture", broadcasts a news-and-information format during the daytime (including NPR News programs and PRI's The World, which is a co-production of WGBH, PRI, and the BBC World Service), and jazz music during the nighttime. "GBH" stands for Great Blue Hill, the location of WGBH's FM transmitter, as well as the original location of WGBH-TV's transmitter. Great Blue Hill in Milton, Massachusetts, has an elevation of 635 feet (193 m), is located within the Blue Hills Reservation, and is the highest point in the Boston area. Until December 1, 2009, WGBH broadcast a variety of classical music programming, mostly during the day on weekdays, weekend mornings, and Sunday afternoons. These broadcasts included (in addition to generally available recordings) recordings made by WGBH of regional chamber music and solo recital performances, live in-studio performances and interviews, as well as live broadcasts of the Boston Symphony Orchestra from Symphony Hall (on Friday afternoons when the orchestra is scheduled to play), and Tanglewood (on Sunday afternoons in the summer). In addition, WGBH's music programming also included folk music on Saturday afternoons and blues on Saturday evenings. News programming was limited to drive time (6-9AM and 4-8PM) on weekdays, and between 10AM and noon on weekends. In September 2009, the WGBH Educational Foundation announced a deal to acquire WCRB, a local classical music station. It consolidated all classical music programming on WCRB, and changed WGBH to an all-news and information format. More from Wikipedia | Official Web Site

WQXR New York City NY

June 29, 1934
Radio Station W2XR 

begins broadcasting from NYC.
 It was a noncommercial high-fidelity experiment.
 It became classical music station...
WQXR when it received a commercial license.

Monday, June 27, 2011

WHFS Bethesda MD (Washington DC)

WILLIAM A TYNAN writes: "In 1961, enthusiasm had led me, with my friend Bob Carpenter, W3OTC, to apply for and receive a construction permit for ... Our station. WHFS hit the air in November 1961.

WHFS-FM "High Fidelity Stereo" was "Washington's High Fidelity Station". WHFS began broadcasting on November 11, 1961, on a frequency of 102.3 FM in Bethesda, Maryland. It was the first station in the Washington, DC, area to broadcast in FM-stereo; thus its call sign stood for High Fidelity Stereo. It was originally located in a 20 × 20-foot space in the basement of the Bethesda Medical Building on Wisconsin Avenue with antenna on the roof. Its original format was a combination of MOR and classical, with jazz after 10 p.m. The original owners were considerably underfunded, and the station was sold in 1963. Variety programming included Folk Music with Dick Cerri and Classical music with Bill Cerri. Marlin R. Taylor, the first GM went on to Philadelphia in the early '60's to develop a beautiful music format on highly sucessful WDVR...WJIB in Boston, then to WRFM, NYC. This studio photo of Sunday evening shift, classical music host RACampbell.

Wikipedia History of the station

Thursday, June 23, 2011

CoD : Anger

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Thursday, June 23, 2011 (6:34 pm)

"Control your anger before you are controlled by it!"


Topic ended : Thursday, June 23, 2011 (6:34 pm)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Synopsis Stuff

After a reply Tweet from a friend, I realized something big has changed:

I'm no longer afraid of writing synopses.

This might be because I've written seven in the last year, at least.  After about two or three, my attitude changed.  I started worrying less and focused more on "knocking it out," telling myself I'd change things later.

You know, like you're supposed to when writing.

So there you go.  My success tip for synopses.  Write them really fast.  Don't overthink them - all you need is to basically sketch out how the book follows a basic three-act structure.  Don't worry about all of the crucial information you're leaving out (hint: you'd be surprised how much you don't really need).  Don't worry about going to long or two short.

And remind yourself that everything - especially the book you're summarizing - can be changed.  Just because something is in your synopsis, doesn't mean it has to be in the book.

The caveat to that is that the synopsis is what your publisher uses to write catalogue copy, possibly before you're done.  So if you change things up, let them know.  I was waffling about whether or not Sara went to visit her sister Rebecca for a while.  The catalogue release sewed that one up.

So there you go. Happy synopsis writing!

Program for US Holiday on composer Stephen Foster

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Panini Post

I've written about my lunch-related angst before. At long last, I seem to have made a breakthrough.

Hello Panini.  Let's be friends.

Paninis solve several problems.  First, the bread is grilled, so you're unlikely to get icky bits of bread stuck in your teeth, which I hate.  Also, the grilling is pretty forgiving. You can use somewhat stale-ish bread, and it's okay.

I mean, I wouldn't serve it that way if I ran a restaurant.  But this is me, in my kitchen, at lunchtime.  I'm good with stale-ish bread.

Also, there is almost always cheese.  I love cheese.

And the pressing method warms the sandwich through, so you can put all sorts of veggies inside (ones more nutritious, say, than the requisite lettuce leaf).

Did I mention there are hundreds of variations?  This one is a variation on one of my signature sandwiches (I used ham and provolone instead of prosciutto and fontina), and I'm dying to try this one (with less bread, though, the one pictured is a bit overwhelming.

What's also great is that Danny enjoys them too.  We had dinner at Frost Me Sweet here in Richland, and while he was a bit wary going in (the seafoam green exterior paint and girly writing on the sign doesn't really connote manfood within), their Italian panini won him over.

Also, they had french fries.

But back to the panini.  It's pepperoni, salami, prosciutto, mozzarella and marinara sauce - very approachable for the red-blooded American male.  Also very easy to recreate at home.

(Side note - the salted caramel cupcake at Frost Me Sweet? Very good.)

So we bought a panini press.  You can spend a lot of money on them (one at TJ Maxx was going for $80), but I opted for the Hamilton Beach model.  Large enough to accommodate two sandwiches, a nice swivel-y top (so the top presses straight down, not from an awkward acute angle), but not particularly expensive.  Also, fits nicely on top of our mini-convection oven.

Here are some panini ideas in case you're feeling adventurous...

~ Southwestern (kind of) Panini ~

Inspired by the one at Starbucks, not available in Tri-Cities or the city of Memphis.

Flatbread if you have it, ciabatta, or sliced sourdough if you don't
Sour Cream (I use light)
Monterey Jack cheese
Deli roasted chicken
Red and green bell peppers
Olive oil

Brush the outer slices of bread (i.e. the bread that will wind up on the outside) with olive oil, or spray if you have a spritzer or Pam-type olive oil spray), lay out on cutting board.  Mix the salsa with the sour cream in equal portions, spread onto bread.  Add some cheese to one side, then chicken, peppers, and more cheese on top (helps everything to stick together).  Grill until golden.

Note: Cheese will ooze.  Lost cheese is sad, so keep your cheese towards the middle.  Don't worry, it'll spread to the edges on its own.

~ Pear and Brie Panini ~

Inspired by a sandwich at Cafe Eclectic, by far one of the best places to eat (sans BBQ) in Memphis.

Thin-sliced Ripe Pear
Ciabatta Bread
Honey-Dijon mustard (optional)

Slice Ciabatta in half, hollow it out a bit.  Feed the leftover bits of bread to the dog.  Brush the outsides with olive oil.  Mix some mustard and the honey together in a very small container (measuring cup works well), spread onto inside of bread.  Stack thin-sliced brie, pear, and arugula on the inside.  Press until golden and the brie is completely melted.

~ Italian Panini ~

Bread of Choice (sliced sourdough, ciabatta, Italian - really can't go wrong here)
Pizza sauce of choice (I like Boboli; use a pizza sauce rather than jarred marinara - less watery, less likely to soak the bread and get grossly soggy on the inside.  Which isn't what happened at Frost Me Sweet, but has happened elsewhere)
Salami of choice (I use Genoa)
Pepperoni (I decline, but Danny likes it)
Roasted Red Peppers (optional)
Arugula (optional)
Mozarella cheese (aged or fresh)

Spray/brush bread with olive oil.  Stack ingredients. Cook. Enjoy.

~ Sweet Potato Fries ~

Partly inspired by Frost Me Sweet, who bake their fries with minced garlic, parsley, and shaved Parmesan cheese, and partly inspired by the idea that sweet potato fries are better for you but not quite *there* yet.

Frozen Sweet Potato Fries (make your own fresh and fry them yourself, but this is faster. This is lunch, people)
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh OR freeze-dried (thank you, Lighthouse!) Parsley
Olive Oil
Garlic, minced
Sea Salt
Fresh Cracked Pepper
Parmesan, grated or shaved

Pour some olive oil into a medium-ish bowl.  Add spices and garlic, let them sit for a few minutes to infuse a bit.  Toss in frozen fries, throw them around with your hands until they're adequately coated. Dump them onto a foil-lined pan; top with sea salt and a couple twists of cracked pepper.  Bake according to the package instructions.  Top with cheese once they're out of the oven; serve when cheese has melted.

Those are my food obsessions - what are you eating and enjoying right now?

BTW, booked my hotel room for ACFW. Who all is St. Louis-bound?

There's No Need To..

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Selasa, 21 Juni 2011 (9:03 pm)

Gua lupa dhe gua nonton cuplikan seri ini di stasiun TV mana, tapii.. kata2nya itu menggelitik bangets boo, ahahaha..

Jadi tuh orang ngomong gini :

"There's no need to yell!"

Yang menjadikannya menarik adalah karenaa.. orang tersebut mengatakan kata2 itu.. dengan berteriak! Wakakakakakakakak..

And menurut guaa.. ini lucu boo, huahahahahaha..

Lucu sekaligus ironis, hihihi, karena kapan sih orang belajar untuk menyadari bahwa tindakan itu memang 'berteriak' jauh lebih keras dibanding ucapan :p

Bukan berarti kata2 itu sendiri ngga mempunyai pengaruh lho yaa.. tapii.. mari kita ambil contoh orangtua aja dhe, semisal mereka selalu meneriakkan anak2nya untuk melakukan suatu hal sementara mereka sendiri itu selalu melakukan hal yang kebalikannya, menurut eloo.. yang lebih nyantol dalam diri anak2 itu yang mana toh?

Berikan contoh, jadilah teladan, maka ngga perlu terus menerus berkata2 sampai mulut berbusa tanpa hasil karena when you think that no one is looking at your direction, believe me.. there's always a pair of eyes around, ahahahaha :p

Topic ended : Selasa, 21 Juni 2011 (9:40 pm)


Quotes : God's Rainbow

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Tuesday, June 21, 2011 (7:12 pm)

When I was going to the bookstores, other than postcards, the other things I usually looked at were fancy notes and now I had another one to search for, which was.. bookmarks! Ahahahaha..

And after browsing around, I found one with inspirational quote that I'd like to share with you..

"When you feel battered by life's storms and you are filled with doubt and dismay, just remember God's rainbow is coming, it's only a prayer away!"

Ain't that a great quote? ;)

Topic ended : Tuesday, June 21, 2011 (9:01 pm)


Simple Little Thing Called A Smile

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Selasa, 21 Juni 2011 (4:50 pm)

Sore ini ketika chat ama salah satu temen gua, ada sesuatu yang dia katakan yang bikin gua cengar cengir ngga jelas, ahahaha..

Berikut cuplikan chat-nyaa :


Ria (4:31 PM):  Tukang pos-nya selalu senyum2 kalau baca surat/kartu pos dr elo

Indah (4:31 PM):  wakakakakak.. senyam senyum kenapa toh?

Ria (4:32 PM):  Krn selalu elo tulis: semoga hari-nya menyenangkan ya Pak Pos 


Lalu? Kenapa gua sampe cengar cengir ngga jelas?

Karena yaa.. senang aja githu lhoo.. simple little thing that I do can put a smile on someone's face, ahahaha..

Kadang ya gua pikir.. ngga susah juga kok mau bikin orang lain senang, ngga perlu lah mikirin grand things githuu.. karena ternyata 2 baris kalimat yang hampir selalu gua tulis di tiap postcard ataupun surat yang gua kirimkan itu bisa menerbitkan senyuman di wajah sang pembawa surat kiriman gua itu :D

Topic ended : Selasa, 21 Juni 2011 (5:14 pm)


Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WCAU 1210 Philadelphia PA

The station first began broadcasting in May 1922 as WCAU, a 250-watt station operating out of electrician William Durham's home on 19th and Market Streets. It is Philadelphia's third-oldest radio station, having signed on two months after WIP and WFIL. In 1924, WCAU was sold to law partners Ike Levy and Daniel Murphy. Murphy later bowed out in favor of Ike's brother, Leon.
The station began its long association with CBS in 1927, when it was one of 16 charter affiliates of a network called the Columbia Phonographic Broadcasting System, airing the network's first program on September 18, 1927.

more WCAU History | Philly Radio Archives

Saturday, June 18, 2011

WRCV 1060 Philadelphia PA

1956 photo from WRCV Master Control looking into main studio. Announcers ran records but engineers controlled levels. Station was located in building at 1619 Walnut Street which also housed studios of WRCV-TV channel three. (Formerly KYW radio and WPTZ TV channel three owned in combo by PHILCO and WESTINGHOUSE). At the time of these photos, taken by RACampbell, the stations were affiliated and owned by NBC network. Call signed was derived from corporate RCA homage to RCA Victor records home in nearby Camden NJ.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


WTMR, Camden, NJ - Philadelphia, PA

WTMR, ABC Entertainment Radio for PHILADELPHIA, 800kc
Dave Shayer was news editor, writer and reader for WTMR in the mid 1960's

WTMR, formerly WKDN, was operated by Tommy Roberts in the mid 1960's. The station was built around MOR music and bookended AM and PM drivetime with popular DJ Bill Bircher who established big city reputation with powerhouse WCAU-AM as their morning man. Bircher worked a split shift with both morning and afternoon drives. Other daily names were Alan Campbell, afternoon DJ Public Affairs and Program Director; Dean Tyler, Music and Program Director; Larry Litman, and Lee Scott.

WTEL, Philadelphia, PA

WQMR, Washington, DC

Originally WGAY, on Kemp Mill Road, was owned by John Kluge, a produce distributor who eventually became METROMEDIA czar. Kluge sold WGAY, a 1kw daytimer, to country music exec Connie B. Gay who obviously kept the call letters. When the 'concert hall' format was established by GM Ed Winton February 1, 1960, the WGAY calls were kept on the FM and AM became WQMR. R A Campbell relates..."When the plans to demolish the Kemp Mill Road studios and move to the World Building were undertaken, Kluge came by to say 'goodbye' he told me he would like to keep some old award memorabilia displayed in the lobby".

WQMR, Washington, DC

There were small postal offices in downtown DC on Albermarle Street and Wisconsin Ave but the studios were on Kemp Mill Rd, Wheaton, MD and in mid 60`s on Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD in the World Building. R A Campbell recalls his first 1962 shift at WQMR/WGAY at Kemp Mill Road, was weeknights 6pm to Midnight on FM, (AM signed-off at sunset). Prior to this the FM was running country 45's from a jukbox in a closet just outside the production studio. The jukebox was shut down and the 'great albums of beautiful music' continued through the evening. "I relieved Ken Flynn who frequently hung around to break me up during the 6:30PM news. Once he shut off the lights and I had to read the news from the illumination of the VU meter, at the right, on the Gates Yard console. I recall once I had the hiccups on a `headline news` and had to use five actualities to cover- reading one sentence intros to each. One hiccup escaped during my weather". Campbell became News Director in 1965 and left in 1967 to WRIO in Southern New Jersey as GM.

One of the original beautiful music stations was an AM station in Patterson NJ. WPAT was getting great numbers in the 'NYC ratings book' in the 1950s. Ed Winton worked with Gordon McClendon in Dallas and built up the numbers of KLIF-FM, & KABL (San Francisco) with the format. Then he moved on to WGAY with the 'Concert Hall' sound. It started out with a heavy echo to add depth, actually it sounded hollow and was dropped for a normal sound.