It could be considered suicide to travel across the country with a two year old. But sometimes, it just has to be done. Come April of 2008, we will have two little people to deal with. There is no possible way April and I are lugging multiple kids on a plane. So, with great fear, we made the journey back to the Missouri land for Thanksgiving. While some would call Missouri a "fly over" state, I prefer the label, "Holy Land."

Oh yes, we blazed a trail
I really wanted to bring Cade back to the Midwest so my family could see him before he gets too big. Since we had a week off for the holiday, this seemed like the best opportunity to travel.
The journey started off on Friday, Nov. 16th, at 4:00 am. We were out the door at 5:00 am. Our Midwest Airlines flight left on time at 7:25 am. The big man did quite well all the way through. The only hiccup was when we had to check his stroller and Thomas the Train bag at the security gate. He cried and yelled while the TSA put his things through the metal detector. Otherwise, his new DVD player, along with Clifford the Big Red Dog (5 disc set) kept him fairly happy.

Thank you, O Merciful Clifford
The trip was divided into two legs. The first leg was St. Joseph, MO. That is where my dad lives. He is on a farm just outside of town. Cade had a great time visiting with his Papa Ron and Grandma Val. Practically minutes after emptying out of the super Kia rental (aka "Missouri Car"), we were rolling in the fall leaves. Good times. However, more fun was spent with all my dad's animals. Currently, there are seven horses, three dogs, and approximately six cats. Only two cats are allowed inside. Cade bonded with Molly and Coal, the inside kitties. Cade was also a big fan of Max, the pony. I think he loved Max because he is not too big. Every morning, Cade would say, "I Feed Max."
Touring the farm on "The Pug"
Cade & Coal
coming up for air

Papa Ron, Cade, & Max

Breakfast is served
We managed to swing over to Corning, KS (population 167) for a pre-Thanksgiving extravaganza. My grandmother, Pat, has lived in Corning for..........I could not even tell you. Ever since I was as tall as Cade, I would make the trek to Corning to see my dad's side of the family. This year, we all met at Terry and Elaine's (uncle and aunt) for food and football. It was so nice to see everyone. Cade got to meet his great-grandma Pat in person, an uncle, two aunt's, and a handful of fantastic cousins.

The skyline of metropolitan Corning, KS

Grandma Pat and Cade
While the big people were eating, watching K-State lose, and catching up, Cade managed to sweep the floors with a swiffer thingy, play on the slide, and nearly kill himself by walking on the tarp covering the pool. Of course, Cade wandered onto the pool on my watch. He was chasing a ball, and he forgot the fifteen hundred warnings instructing him to stay off the tarp. I was hoping nobody noticed, but the entire Engelken/Rethman clan viewed the debacle. Lovely. Parent of the Year.
sliding down the prairie

Ella, Kristen, and Jessica Rethman with their little cousin
While still in the northern end of the state, we managed to see my step-brother and his family. Scott, Karla, Roy, and Rex are all doing quite nicely. Scott and I watched the Chiefs lose, and the boys managed to take advantage of the good weather and hit the swings. Roy had on his Dante Hall jersey. You have to respect that.

Cade and Roy: Two Wild and Crazy Guys just swinging
Before our time was up for the first leg of the Missouri tour, I managed to mix in a visit with an old pal: Todd Walter Meierhoffer. We grew up together back in St. Joe, MO. Our parents literally threw us together in the same crib when we still in diapers. April, Cade, and I caught up with Todd at his parents' house. Rhonda (Todd's mom) actually got a little misty thinking back at how we used to play together. Now, Todd is your friendly, local undertaker. No kidding. He is in the family business: Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory.

Todd, Scott, and Michael Meierhoffer.
The second leg of our trip took us to southern Missouri - to the city of Neosho. That is where my mom and step dad are. We wanted to break up the nearly four hour trip by stopping for lunch in KC at The Plaza. There, Woodie and Martin Howgill treated us to a lovely lunch. Woodie is one my mother's nearest and dearest pals.
But it was after the lunch when the trip's Sports Center Top Play occurred. The Howgills, thankfully, were spared one Cade's most unbelievable blowouts in history. When I say blowout, I mean his diaper could not hope to contain its contents. We were walking along the streets of The Plaza, when Cade began to slow. He said, "So many poo-poos." I thought he was only repeating what I had said to him earlier that morning, because the ground at my dad's is peppered with horse droppings. Unfortunately, I did not fully comprehend.
As The Plaza has a handful of busy streets, I scooped Cade up to help us across one. I then smelled a soiled diaper, and we quickly saw a Barnes and Noble that would have a bathroom. After setting Cade down upon entering the store, I then realized the gravity of the situation. I was covered in poop. My shirt was toast. My left arm was thundered. I turned to April and said, "April!"
We made a beeline to the bathroom. I think only one person noticed my appearance. He had that, "That guy is covered in feces," expression on his face. I peeled off my shirt, and threw it in the trash. I discovered my jeans also had collateral damage. It was a similar story for Cade. Part of his attire was totaled. Luckily, directly next store was a Gap. New outfits were obtained, so we wouldn't have to hold our breath for three hour trip south.
For obvious reasons, this portion of the trip was not photographed. Sorry for the digression.
Once we did arrive in Neosho, the good times continued to roll. The weather was so cooperative (for the first five days of the trip). We were able to spend a lot of time outside. Cade was a big fan of the leaves (again). Neosho has a neat little city park, complete with waterfalls, fish, ducks, playground, and christmas decor. Before the weather turned bitterly cold and frosty, Papa Dick even took Cade for a spin on the riding lawn mower.

playtime with Grandma Sharon

Captain Caveman

Neosho or Niagra?

Oh, yeah. Neosho.

"I'm an excellent driver."

Watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving with Grandma Sharon.