Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I'm all for giving thanks, and being thank
ful, and spending time with family, and eating. Really, I am. But I can sum up my feelings about Thanksgiving best in a recent Twitter post:
I have ADD. That's just the way it is. So Thanksgiving can be the Trifecta of stress for me. Don't get me wrong - my love of food and cooking is well documented. But cooking on a schedule is...dicey. And cleaning? No, we're not hosting Thanksgiving (thanks be to heaven above), but we're still leaving, and being a woman, I don't like coming home to a messy house.
And travel?
Little bit traveled out.
Little bit.
A lot.
So throw in the fact that Thanksgiving food is not my kind of food and my general apathy towards professional football, and it leaves me with a strong desire to fast-forward to the yuletide season lurking around the corner.
(And if you've stepped inside a place of retail in the last month, you've caught it mid-lurk)
But I'm thankful for my husband, and his job, and our house, and my publishing career, and our wiggy dog. I'm thankful for red curry, sunny days, digital photography, antique china, Nars lipstick, how Danny looks in his motorcycle jacket, title insurance, new friends, old friends, Starbucks, good books, alpacas, freeze-dried beef liver treats, sale books at Barnes & Noble, red leaves, TJ Maxx, Nutella, full-spectrum light bulbs, Target, comfortable shoes, pink nail polish, candied ginger, the bulk section of WinCo, butterflies, dry shampoo, vacuum cleaners, pink spackle, Doctor Who, and the fact that the holiday movie season approacheth.
I'm thankful for my family, my parents, siblings, parents-in-law, siblings-in-law, aunts, cousins, uncles, and another holiday with my 95-year-old grandmother.
I'm thankful for my agent, for the wonderful editors I've gotten to work with, my publicists, and the booksellers who help people discover my books.
I'm thankful we found a truly crackerjack dog trainer to help with Tesla's "special needs."
I'm thankful that we are no longer building a house.
I'm thankful that the Lord is gracious.
Because of that thankfulness, I can handle a traffic-snarled bit of organized thanks-giving.
And after Thanksgiving? Let the advent season commence!
Update: Also thankful for this -
Yay! Sometimes it really is the little things :-)