The reminds us that announcer Jim Ameche (Don's brother) had the "worlds most beautiful sounds around". James Ameche (August 6, 1915, Kenosha, Wisconsin – February 4, 1983, Tucson, Arizona) was a familiar voice on radio, including his role as radio's original Jack Armstrong on Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy. When his older brother, Don Ameche, left his position as the host and announcer for The Chase and Sanborn Hour in the early 1940s, Jim took over for the remainder of the show's run. He also was heard as mountie Jim West on ABC's Silver Eagle (1951-55). He was heard on stations in Los Angeles and Palm Springs in the late 1950s and early 60s. For many years he was a popular local radio personality in the New York City area. By the late 1960s, he was working as an announcer on New York's WHN, syndicated a beautiful music hour each week which was also heard on American Forces Radio (AFRTS) [audio clip below] and the TV pitchman for a Longines Symphonette Society mail-order record album featuring clips of old-time radio broadcasts.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
First videotaped TV broadcast
On November 30 in 1956, CBS replayed the 15-minute "Douglas Edward and the News" for the Pacific time zone, three hours after it was aired in the rest of the US. It was the world's first broadcast via videotape.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
NCIS : Flesh & Blood - "Revealing The Truth"
Gambar diambil dari :
Topic starter : Selasa, 29 November 2011 (5:29 pm)
Huahahahahaha.. gua sebenernya pengen ketawa tiap kali mo menuliskan tentang yang satu ini.
Coba perhatikan tanggal pertama yang gua tuliskan di atas, 11 Oktober.. yupp, itulah pertama kalinya gua pengen mengangkat apa yang pengen gua bahas berikut ini dalam bentuk postingan tapii.. udah 1.5 bulan berlaluu, gua belon juga menuliskannya, huahahahaha..
Alamaaakk.. senang amat sih menunda2 sesuatu!
*gua kaga anti kok ama kata "sesuatu" jadi gua masih akan sering menggunakannya, ahahaha :p*
Kenapa akhirnyaa gua memutuskan untuk menuliskan juga seri NCIS dengan episode "Flesh & Blood" ini? Karenaa..
Can you believe it kalo setelah selang 1.5 bulanan, dan gua udah sempat meninggalkan nonton nih seri saking diulang2 mulu, masaa.. pas tadi gua memutuskan untuk kembali menontonnya, guess what..
Yang ditayangkan itu adalah episode yang sama! Wakakakakakak.. gua jadi berasa diuber2 :p
Jadi marilah, sebelon nih serial akhirnya masuk ke dalam mimpi gua and menyebabkan nightmare, maka lebih baik buru2 dituangkan dalam tulisan aja.
Dalam episode NCIS yang berjudul "Flesh & Blood" ini ada hal menarik yang gua tangkap and bikin jadi mengajukan pertanyaan ke diri sendiri mengenai..
"Pentingan mana sih antara mengetahui kebeneran atau mengetahui kebenaran dari mulut orang yang bersangkutan?"
Mari gua ceritakan sedikit mengenai apa yang terjadi di episode kali ini sehingga lebih bisa menarik benang merah antara peristiwa dengan kesimpulan pertanyaan yang gua hasilkan :D
Tau special agent Anthony DiNozzo? Kalo ngga tau juga ngga apa2 sih, ngga bakal didenda, hahaha.. cuman rada rugi juga sih soalnya menurut gua pemeran yang satu ini lumayan *ehem* cakepss, hahaha :))
Anywayy.. cerita dimulai dengan adegan si Anthony ini mengalami masalah dengan bank tempatnya membuka rekening karena kebetulan nama Anthony itu mengadopsi nama bokapnya, jadi kalo bokapnya itu Anthony DiNozzo (Senior), si Anthony yang agen NCIS itu adalah Anthony DiNozzo Junior, naahh.. terjadi kisruh di bank menyoal "senior" and "junior" ini yang berkelanjutan dengan datangnya sang senior menyambangi sang junior di tempat kerjanya.
Anthony ngga bisa dibilang akrab dengan bokapnya, selain karena bokapnya itu tipe yang sibuk kerja dan sibuk dengan kehidupan baru yang dibinanya selepas meninggalnya istri yang juga adalah nyokap Anthony Junior, tiap kali menghabiskan waktu bersama juga ngga ada kedekatan secara emosional di antara mereka berdua.
Sebenarnya Anthony (Jr.) udah mulai mengendus ketidakberesan ketika sang bokap tiba2 saja muncul di tempat kerjanya tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dulu namun karena ada kasus yang harus diselesaikan dan lagi ketika sang bokap berulang kali ditanyakan apakah ada sesuatu yang ngga beres and sang bokap selalu menjawab semuanya baik2 saja maka si Anthony pun mempercayai ucapan bokapnya itu dan lupa atas kejanggalan sikap bokapnya.
Untuk kasus kali ini yang menyangkut salah satu putra keluarga kaya yang mempunyai hubungan dekat dengan kerajaan di Arab, ternyata bokapnya Anthony mengenal sang ayah dari putra yang mendapat perlindungan dari NCIS tempat Anthony bekerja.
Cerita bergulir dan sedikit demi sedikit mulai tersingkap bahwa bokapnya Anthony ternyata mengalami kebangkrutan padahal selama ini Anthony hanya tau bokapnya itu menjalani kehidupan kelas atas yang tentunya memerlukan banyak biaya untuk bisa tetap eksis di kelasnya, belum lagi beberapa perceraian yang harus dilaluinya tentunya lumayan menguras harta yang dimilikinya.
Ntah mengapa, mengetahui "kebenaran" mengenai bokapnya ini membuat Anthony senang dan ingin tahu bagaimana sang bokap akan berterus terang padanya karena selama masa penyelidikan sang bokap itu bela2in nginep di hotel yang mewah supaya bisa bertemu dengan Pangeran Arab untuk bisa kembali menjalin kerjasama bisnis dengannya yang bisa mengembalikan kemapanan finansialnya yang mana pada akhirnya sang bokap hanya sempat bertemu sebentar dengan sang pangeran tanpa sempat membicarakan perihal bisnis sedikitpun. Sang pangeran hanya menitip pesan bahwa bulan berikutnya ia akan berada di Monte Carlo, mungkin mereka bisa bertemu di sana untuk membicarakan bisnis.
Bokapnya Anthony hanya bisa meringis dalam hati karena boro2 memikirkan mengenai biaya perjalanan yang harus dia keluarkan untuk sampai di Monte Carlo, wong buat urusan bayar tagihan hotel aja dia masih bingung bagaimana harus melunasinya karena semua kartu kreditnya udah diblokir karena ia tidak bisa memenuhi kewajiban pembayaran sementara saldo rekening bank-nya udah menipis and ngga akan mampu menutupi biaya hotel yang per malamnya itu menghabiskan sekian ribu dollar!
Sambil tersenyum2 Anthony menemani sang ayah ke bagian pembayaran hotel ingin melihat bagaimana ayahnya bisa berkelit kali ini dalam upayanya menyembunyikan kondisi finansialnya yang sekarat. Sang bokap udah menyuruh Anthony untuk kembali ke tempat kerja karena dia yang akan membereskan seluruh biaya menginapnya namun sambil menahan tawa, Anthony bilang masih banyak waktu dan pekerjaannya sedang tidak banyak.
Mau tak mau, sang bokap terpaksa pergi ditemani Anthony untuk mengurus biaya penginapan. Ia udah sempat menyiapkan beragam alasan agar bisa tetap lolos dari kewajiban membayar tanpa perlu mempermalukan diri sendiri di hadapan anaknya.
Namun sang manager hotel malah bilang bahwa seluruh biaya telah dilunasi oleh sang pangeran, bahkan sang pangeran menitipkan sesuatu untuk Anthony Seniors sambil mengangsurkan sebuah amplop yang ternyata berupa tiket penerbangan menuju Monte Carlo yang bisa dipergunakan kapan saja!
Sang bokap menarik napas lega dan memutuskan tidak mengungkapkan hal yang sebenarnya kepada anaknya karena ia yakin dalam pertemuan bulan depan dengan sang pangeran di Monte Carlo maka kondisi finansialnya akan kembali mapan bila deal-nya dengan sang pangeran akan goal.
Menjelang akhir cerita barulah diketahui bahwa pelunasan biaya nginap ama tiket pesawat itu bukan dari sang pangeran melainkan dari si Anthony yang memutuskan untuk tidak mempermalukan ayahnya di hadapan umum hanya demi mendengar 'kebenaran' keluar dar mulut ayahnya.
Naahh.. itu diaa!!
Episode kali ini bikin gua tercenung, hahaha.. and jadi mempertanyakan ke diri gua sendiri..
Manakah yang lebih penting, antara hanya sekedar mengetahui sebuah kebenaran (dari sumber yang terpercaya tapi bukan dari orang yang bersangkutan), atauu.. harus mendengar sendiri kebenaran itu dari mulut yang bersangkutan walau untuk itu kita harus mempermalukannya!
And gua jadi teringat akan hal yang duluu pernah gua pertanyakan ke diri gua sendiri..
Mana yang lebih penting, antara melakukan kebaikan buat orang yang elo sayangi (walau dia ngga tau elo yang melakukannya karena either elo melakukannya secara anonim atau melalui orang lain), atau lebih penting dia tau elo melakukan kebaikan buat dirinya walau itu bisa mengurangi kebahagiaannya (karena in a way dia lebih ngarep yang melakukan hal itu adalah orang lainnya, dan bukan diri kita, haha).
In both cases, I chose the 1st.. karena yaa buat gua rasanya lebih penting gua sekedar tahu kebenarannya aja daripada harus mendesak orang yang bersangkutan untuk mengakui kebenaran itu di hadapan gua yang ujung2nya malah membuatnya malu and mungkin ngga lagi punya 'muka' di hadapan gua.
Dan mengenai berada di 'balik layar', tentu aja kadang ngerasa sebel juga sih karena ngerasa ngga dihargai, hahaha.. tapi in the end balik lagi ke soal apa yang mendasari elo dalam melakukannya? Kalau gua lebih ingin melihatnya bahagia, walau dia ngga tau gua yang ada di balik hal yang membuatnya tersenyum, hahaha..
Kadang berasa ironis :p
Okee dokee..
NCIS, gua udah melunasi hutang nulis episode "Flesh & Blood" ini yaa, jadi pleasee.. next time gua tonton, yang ditayangin itu bo episode yang belon pernah gua tonton sebelonnya, huahahahahaha :p
Oh iya, sebelon kita ber-bye bye bye di postingan kali ini.. how about you? Mana yang lebih kalian pilih dalam dua contoh di atas? ;)
Okee dokee.. see you in the next post :))
Topic ended : Selasa, 29 November 2011 (6:33 pm)
On November 29 in 1929, NBC began use of the three-note chimes.

The NBC chimes, named for the radio and television network on which they have been used, consists of a succession of three distinct pitches: G3, E4, and C4 (middle C), sounded in that order, creating an arpeggiated C-major chord in the second inversion, within about two seconds time, and reverberating for another two or three seconds. The intervals of this progression are up a major 6th from G3 to E4 and down a major third from E4 to C4. The chimes were the first ever audio trademark to be accepted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Contrary to widespread belief, the "G-E-C" sequence is not a reference to the General Electric Company (now a minority shareholder in NBC's current parent company), which did not acquire NBC until 1986; however, GE's radio station WGY in Schenectady, New York was an early NBC affiliate, and GE was an early shareholder in RCA, which founded NBC by creating it as a subsidiary.
The chimes were originally used as a cue for affiliated radio stations across the network to begin broadcasting their station identifications or local station breaks. After their use as a formal network communications signal ended around the 1970s as the result of automation, the chimes are used as an audio logo or signature for NBC Television. The radio network was folded into Westwood One operations.
Wikipedia | Official Site | Museum | Bill Harris' site
On this day in 1948, the soon-to-be classic puppet TV show "Kukla, Fran, & Ollie" debuted on NBC out of Chicago.
Also this day in 1948, the first opera to be televised was broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. "Otello", by Verdi, was presented over WJZ-TV in New York.
In 1877, November 29, Thomas Edison demonstrated his invention, a hand-cranked phonograph that recorded sound on grooved metal cylinders. Edison shouted verses of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the machine which played back his voice.
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The NBC chimes, named for the radio and television network on which they have been used, consists of a succession of three distinct pitches: G3, E4, and C4 (middle C), sounded in that order, creating an arpeggiated C-major chord in the second inversion, within about two seconds time, and reverberating for another two or three seconds. The intervals of this progression are up a major 6th from G3 to E4 and down a major third from E4 to C4. The chimes were the first ever audio trademark to be accepted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Contrary to widespread belief, the "G-E-C" sequence is not a reference to the General Electric Company (now a minority shareholder in NBC's current parent company), which did not acquire NBC until 1986; however, GE's radio station WGY in Schenectady, New York was an early NBC affiliate, and GE was an early shareholder in RCA, which founded NBC by creating it as a subsidiary.
The chimes were originally used as a cue for affiliated radio stations across the network to begin broadcasting their station identifications or local station breaks. After their use as a formal network communications signal ended around the 1970s as the result of automation, the chimes are used as an audio logo or signature for NBC Television. The radio network was folded into Westwood One operations.
Wikipedia | Official Site | Museum | Bill Harris' site
On this day in 1948, the soon-to-be classic puppet TV show "Kukla, Fran, & Ollie" debuted on NBC out of Chicago.
Also this day in 1948, the first opera to be televised was broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. "Otello", by Verdi, was presented over WJZ-TV in New York.
In 1877, November 29, Thomas Edison demonstrated his invention, a hand-cranked phonograph that recorded sound on grooved metal cylinders. Edison shouted verses of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the machine which played back his voice.
Read more:
Monday, November 28, 2011
The channel is available on British Sky Broadcasting, a satellite TV system with 10 million customers, where it joins more than 700 other channels. PBS is also available via a cable system, Virgin Media, with four million customers. PBS has moved into Britain after other United States channels made the leap, and it has entered a crowded market. In the category that analysts refer to as factual programming, United States imports like the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and National Geographic have long been available in Britain, alongside myriad offerings from local broadcasters. NY TIMES | PBS UK
Saturday, November 26, 2011
KXL 'The Voice of Portland OR'
On November 27 in 1926, radio station KXL in Portland, Oregon began broadcasts with a licensed power of 50 watts. Although it operated for many years on 750 khz, where it began, the station has been moved around the AM dial half-a-dozen times and today resides on the FM dial. History
Eric Sevareid, CBS News
CBS newsman & commentator Eric Sevareid...
was born in Velva North Dakota. He was one of a group of elite war correspondents dubbed "Murrow's boys" because they were hired by pioneering broadcast newsman Edward R. Murrow. He was with CBS for 38 years. He died of stomach cancer July 9, 1992 at age 79. Arnold Eric Sevareid (November 26, 1912 – July 9, 1992) was a CBS news journalist from 1939 to 1977. He was one of a group of elite war correspondents—dubbed "Murrow's Boys"—because they were hired by pioneering CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow. From Wikipedia: BIO Sevareid was a child of the American Plains, born in Velva, North Dakota to Alfred E. and Clara H. Sevareid. In 1925, when Eric was 13, his family left Velva and moved first to Minot before settling on 30th Avenue North in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1935. Of Norwegian ancestry, he preserved a strong bond with Norway throughout his life.CoD : Just PUSH & Keep on Pushing
my own collection of postcard
Topic starter : Sabtu, 26 November 2011 (7:01 pm)
Banyak hal yang terjadi sehari2 itu sebenarnya merupakan sebuah berkat yang seringkali kita ngga sadari keberadaannya, jadi boro2 mensyukurinya, lebih sering kita ngga ngeh and take things for granted githu dhe.
Contohnyaa.. gua itu termasuk yang amat sangat gampaaaang bangets dalam hal yang berhubungan dengan 'nyetor' yang dilakukan di 'pojok renungan', hayoo.. pada nangkap kaga apa yang gua maksud? :p
Buat yang kaga berhasil 'nangkap' apa yang gua tulis di atas, silahkan mencari tahu karena gua ngga akan menjelaskannya lebih lanjut, hahahaha..
Baru hari Selasa (22/11) kemaren gua merasakan betapa hal 'kecil' yang selama ini gua anggap sebagai hal yang wajar terjadi saking ngga perlu usaha sedikit pun dalam melakukannya, tapi kali ini.. alamaaaakk.. benar2 butuh perjuangan yang amat sangat keras that made me literally cried for the first time for doing this kind of thing, huhuhu..
Dalam segala kesakitan dan kesusahan itu, barulah gua menyadari.. betapa memang benar ada banyaaaak sekali every little thing that we do everyday itu sebenarnya merupakan suatu berkat yang seringkali lupa disyukuri!
Bisa bangun tidur tanpa merasakan sakit sedikitpun, itu merupakan suatu berkat! Karena pasti ada seseorang yang ketika ia terbangun dari tidurnya, ia merasakan sakit di satu atau beberapa bagian tubuhnya!
Anywayy (untuk yang kedua kalinya di postingan ini :p).. sehubungan dengan judul postingan kali ini, ada 2 jenis 'push' yang akan gua bicarakan.
'PUSH' yang pertama adalah.. Pray Until Something Happens!
Ini asli keren bangets dhe yang pertama kali memperkenalkan versi kepanjangan dari kata 'push' itu sendiri karena maknanya itu powerful boo!
Yang perlu dilakukan berikutnya selain "PUSH" versi di atas adalah push dalam artian sebenarnya, yaitu mendorong dalam kasus 'nyetor' gua, hahahaha..
Dan ketika kedua hal tersebut dipadupadankan.. maka sesuatu terjadi ;)
And ya ya yaa.. walau belon kembali lancar seperti semula, tapi hari itu gua serasa kembali diingatkan bahwa tidak ada airmata yang terjatuh sia2, tidak ada seruan yang tidak didengar.. tidak ada doa yang tidak dijawab :)
Jadi kesimpulan untuk kali ini adalaahh..
Apapun situasi yang sedang dihadapi, forget not to always "PUSH" sambil tetap melakukan 'push' yang lainnya, ahahahaha :D
Have a lovely weekend everyone ;) Take care..
Topic ended : Sabtu, 26 November 2011 (8:03 pm)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Memories from Washington DC announcer DON RICHARDS
Lee Shephard, Don Richards and Chuck Langdon on the OTP set ... Don Richards replaced Walter Cronkite on the WTOP-TV evening news.
WTOP Reunion
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Car breaks down during it's premier spot....
With a Jennifer Lopez lookalike seated behind the wheel, a Fiat 500 actually broke down on a Bronx street during the recent filming of a TV commercial purportedly showing the actress driving around the borough in which she grew up.
As seen above (click to enlarge), the Fiat came to a halt during filming in September on East 136th Street in Mott Haven. While two men tinkered with the engine, the J. Lo stand-in sat patiently at the wheel, her face obscured by honey-colored hair styled just like Lopez’s.
The embarrassing breakdown of the sporty Fiat was spotted by journalist Ed Morales, who lives on the Mott Haven block where the commercial was filmed.
As seen above (click to enlarge), the Fiat came to a halt during filming in September on East 136th Street in Mott Haven. While two men tinkered with the engine, the J. Lo stand-in sat patiently at the wheel, her face obscured by honey-colored hair styled just like Lopez’s.
The embarrassing breakdown of the sporty Fiat was spotted by journalist Ed Morales, who lives on the Mott Haven block where the commercial was filmed.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I'm all for giving thanks, and being thankful, and spending time with family, and eating. Really, I am. But I can sum up my feelings about Thanksgiving best in a recent Twitter post:
I have ADD. That's just the way it is. So Thanksgiving can be the Trifecta of stress for me. Don't get me wrong - my love of food and cooking is well documented. But cooking on a schedule is...dicey. And cleaning? No, we're not hosting Thanksgiving (thanks be to heaven above), but we're still leaving, and being a woman, I don't like coming home to a messy house.
And travel?
Little bit traveled out.
Little bit.
A lot.
So throw in the fact that Thanksgiving food is not my kind of food and my general apathy towards professional football, and it leaves me with a strong desire to fast-forward to the yuletide season lurking around the corner.
(And if you've stepped inside a place of retail in the last month, you've caught it mid-lurk)
But I'm thankful for my husband, and his job, and our house, and my publishing career, and our wiggy dog. I'm thankful for red curry, sunny days, digital photography, antique china, Nars lipstick, how Danny looks in his motorcycle jacket, title insurance, new friends, old friends, Starbucks, good books, alpacas, freeze-dried beef liver treats, sale books at Barnes & Noble, red leaves, TJ Maxx, Nutella, full-spectrum light bulbs, Target, comfortable shoes, pink nail polish, candied ginger, the bulk section of WinCo, butterflies, dry shampoo, vacuum cleaners, pink spackle, Doctor Who, and the fact that the holiday movie season approacheth.
I'm thankful for my family, my parents, siblings, parents-in-law, siblings-in-law, aunts, cousins, uncles, and another holiday with my 95-year-old grandmother.
I'm thankful for my agent, for the wonderful editors I've gotten to work with, my publicists, and the booksellers who help people discover my books.
I'm thankful we found a truly crackerjack dog trainer to help with Tesla's "special needs."
I'm thankful that we are no longer building a house.
I'm thankful that the Lord is gracious.
Because of that thankfulness, I can handle a traffic-snarled bit of organized thanks-giving.
And after Thanksgiving? Let the advent season commence!
Update: Also thankful for this -
Yay! Sometimes it really is the little things :-)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Radio and Recordings conductor Percy Faith
Popular music conductor Percy Faith
Faith was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was the oldest of eight children. He played violin and piano as a child, and played in theatres and at Massey Hall. After his hands were badly burned in a fire, he turned to conducting, and his live orchestras utilized the new medium of radio broadcasting. Beginning with defunct stations CKNC and CKCL, Faith was a staple of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's live-music broadcasting from 1933 to 1940, when he resettled in Chicago. In 1945, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He made many recordings for Voice of America. After working briefly for Decca Records, he worked for Mitch Miller at Columbia Records, where he turned out dozens of albums and provided arrangements for many of the pop singers of the 1950s, including Tony Bennett, Doris Day, Johnny Mathis (for Johnny's 1958 Christmas album entitled "Merry Christmas Johnny Mathis"), and Guy Mitchell (for whom Faith wrote Mitchell's number one single, "My Heart Cries for You").
Wikipedia | SHOP: Percy Faith
Faith was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was the oldest of eight children. He played violin and piano as a child, and played in theatres and at Massey Hall. After his hands were badly burned in a fire, he turned to conducting, and his live orchestras utilized the new medium of radio broadcasting. Beginning with defunct stations CKNC and CKCL, Faith was a staple of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's live-music broadcasting from 1933 to 1940, when he resettled in Chicago. In 1945, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He made many recordings for Voice of America. After working briefly for Decca Records, he worked for Mitch Miller at Columbia Records, where he turned out dozens of albums and provided arrangements for many of the pop singers of the 1950s, including Tony Bennett, Doris Day, Johnny Mathis (for Johnny's 1958 Christmas album entitled "Merry Christmas Johnny Mathis"), and Guy Mitchell (for whom Faith wrote Mitchell's number one single, "My Heart Cries for You").
Wikipedia | SHOP: Percy Faith
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Regis retires from 'Live'
Wikipedia | SHOP: Regis Philbin
Friday, November 18, 2011
Games : Farm Town
Udah lebih dari seminggu belakangan gua kembali memainkan sebuah game yang dulu sempat demikian memikat gua sebelon akhirnya gua berpaling ke game2 lainnya, hahaha..
Game apakah ituu?
Game yang gua maksudkan adalah Farm Town, game yang bisa dimainkan di Facebook, buat yang pengen nyoba or pengen tau game apa yang lagi gua bicarakan, silahkan klik link berikut ini : Farm Town.
Dari sekian banyak game yang gua mainkan, gua menyadari kalo gua itu kaga terlalu demen ngedekor ruangan, sesekali sih boleh lah karena kadang suka banyak barang2 yang bagus yang dijual tapi kalo all I gotta do while playing those games adalah only decorating the room, yaiksss.. bosen bangetss, huahahahaha..
Sampe2 sepupu gua pernah berkomentar pas mengunjungi 'rumah' gua di Sims Social, katanya, "Kayanya cuman rumah cici aja dhe yang lantainya warna warni!", wakakakakakak.. ntahlah itu maksudnya pujian atau celaan :p
Tapi emang gua suka susah stick to one theme only, walau kalo ngeliat ruangan yang didekor oleh teman2 nge-game gua yang kadang menyusung tema tertentu and emang sih cakeps2 and keren2 githu, baik dari susunan barang2nya, item2 yang dipilihnya ataupun kesesuaian antara warna barang, warna lantai dan warna cat dindingnya yang serasa dipandang and keren lah pokoknya.. but somehow.. gua ngerasa it's not me, huahahaha..
Di tengah segala macam warna yang tabrak and bercampur ria dalam suatu ruangan, gua justru merasakan, "this is me", yang kaga bisa stick to one and one thing only.. yang demennya itu doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.. susah fokus, wakakakakakak :p
Anywayy.. ini screen shoot terakhir yang gua ambil di farm yang gua kasih nama "Happy Go Lucky" dengan farmer gua yang bernama Frances, gambar diambil tanggal 14 November 2011 lalu and ini adalah farm utama gua karena selain farm yang satu ini, gua juga menggunakan 4 akun FB gua lainnya untuk membangun farm juga, tapi yang satu ini yang paling utama.
And lucunya yaa.. somehow in my main farm inii.. gua tetap kaga bisa lah memenuhi seluruh farm dengan one kind of seeds only supaya lebih gampang aja ntar meng-harvest crops-nya, tapi somehow I just can't do that.. bagi gua, terlalu membosankan mengisi seluruh lahan dengan 1 jenis tanaman aja, lebih asyik kalo tanamannya bervariasi jadi kapanpun akan ada yang bisa elo panen walau mungkin hasilnya kaga sebanyak kalo elo nanam jenis tanaman yang dijualnya mahal, hahaha..
Ini ada hubungannya ma psikologis kaga sih? Menurut gua sih ada tapi gua lagi males mengaitkannya, hahaha..
Kenapa gua bikin postingan ini? Karena hari ini di salah satu farm gua dengan farmer Marby, gua mendapatkan satu pelajaran berharga, pelajaran yang sebenernya bukan pelajaran baru juga sih karena gua yakin udah banyak yang pernah mendengar hal ini, tapi tetap aja saat elo bisa menyimpulkan sesuatu sendiri itu beda rasa dengan saat elo hanya mendengarnya dari orang lain :p
Pelajaran apakah ituu?
My lesson of the game today adalahh..
"Kesabaran itu pada waktunya akan berbuah manis!"
Tuh khan bener, pastilah elo udah tau khan, hahahaha..
Ceritanya gimana?
Beginii.. dalam game Farm Town yang telah mengalami pembaruan ini (gua sempet berhenti main nih game selama sekian tahun jadi ketika balik mainin nih game lagee berasa rada kaget juga dengan beberapa penyesuaian yang telah dilakukan) segala hasil panen kita itu bisa dijual seperti biasa di pasar atauu.. kita jual ke pemain lain yang membutuhkan hasil panen kita itu, dengan cara ini terkadang kita bisa menjualnya dengan harga 50% lebih tinggi dibanding harga yang kita dapatkan kalo kita jualnya ke pedagang di pasar yang namanya Tom (kalo kaga salah).
Berhubung koneksi internet gua belakangan ini lagi cakeps bangets dhe lelet-nyaa.. jadilah kalo mo jualan ke sesama pemain lainnya itu lebih sering gagalnya daripada berhasilnya! So sometimes kalo emang koin udah mepets bangets and hanya sedikit yang tersisa buat plow the harvested field and beli benih buat ditanam, terpaksalah mau kaga mau ya jual ke pedagang pasar biar bisa dapat koin.
Nah tadii.. pas gua main pake si Marby inii.. koinnya udah mepets, tinggal 12 ribuan aja, sementara lahan yang harus digarap itu lumayan banyak karena gua menerapkan sistem layer jadi walau farm gua kaga gede2 amat, gua bisa menanam hingga hampir 500 tanaman sekali main :D
Masalahnyaa.. gua khan kalo main itu fokusnya di farm-nya Frances, jadi untuk ke-4 farm lainnya, gua emang sengaja milih tanaman yang butuh waktu minimal 2 hari untuk tumbuh jadi gua kaga perlu sering2 ngecek and tiap farm umumnya gua tanami 1 jenis tanaman aja, kecuali gua lagi angot and bosen pas ngegarap lahannya maka seperti biasa akan ada sekian jenis tanaman yang punya waktu tumbuh yang sama, haha..
Anywayy.. dengan koneksi yang masih putus2, si Marby pun gua suruh mejeng di pasar buat mencari sesama pemain yang membutuhkan hasil panen yang masih disimpan dari panen2 sebelonnya karena kaga berhasil menarik pembeli sehubungan dengan masalah koneksi.
Di sinilah gua baru merasakan betapa kesabaran itu memang berbuah maniss, hahahaha..
Setelah beberapa waktu menunggu dan terus menerus kedepak keluar masuk pasar, akhirnyaaa.. ada juga pemain yang mo beli hasil panen gua, tidak hanya satu or dua tapi dia beli sekitar 3 or 4 jenis panenan si Marby yang menghasilkan total jualan sekitar 300 ribu koin, wakakakakakak..
Mendadak Marby yang tadinya cuman punya 12 ribu koin di rekeningnya sekarang menjadi kaya raya dan bisa membeli benih apapun yang memungkinkan di levelnya sekarang ini, yeaaahh ^o^
Jadi kesimpulan dari nge-game hari ini?
Pertamaa.. kesabaran berbuah manis :D
Keduaa.. emang bener kalo dibilang segala sesuatu itu indah pada waktunya, hahahaha.. karena kalo Marby terlalu gampang menjual hasil panennya maka kejadian hari ini akan terasa biasa2 aja and ngga akan ada pelajaran yang gua dapatkan, iya khan? :p
Okee dokee.. sekian laporan dari Farm Town, gua sekarang akan kembali memainkan farm-nya si Frances, karena penasaran boo.. corn-nya si Marby udah mencapai level 6 sementara benih si Frances sejauh ini baru berhasil nembus level 5 aja at the toppest, wakakakakakak!
Salam nge-game and selamat menikmati akhir pekan ;)
Topic ended : Jumat, 18 November 2011 (3:38 pm)
November 18
See It Now is an American newsmagazine and documentary series broadcast by CBS from 1951 to 1958. It was created by Edward R. Murrow and Fred W. Friendly, Murrow being the host of the show. From 1952 to 1957, See It Now won four Emmy Awards and was nominated three times. It also won a 1952 Peabody Award.
On this, a Sunday afternoon in 1951, Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly

launched one of the most highly-praised TV productions in history. See It Now debuted on CBS. On that first program, which evolved out of Murrow's radio series Hear It Now, we saw a live camera shot of the Atlantic Ocean, followed by a live shot of the Pacific, then Murrow said, "We are impressed by a medium through which a man sitting in his living room has been able to look at two oceans at once." In April of 1952, See It Now moved into an evening time slot. ----Puget Sound Radio
On this, a Sunday afternoon in 1951, Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly
launched one of the most highly-praised TV productions in history. See It Now debuted on CBS. On that first program, which evolved out of Murrow's radio series Hear It Now, we saw a live camera shot of the Atlantic Ocean, followed by a live shot of the Pacific, then Murrow said, "We are impressed by a medium through which a man sitting in his living room has been able to look at two oceans at once." In April of 1952, See It Now moved into an evening time slot. ----Puget Sound Radio
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday Messages : Yesus Kekuatan
Gambar diambil dari :
Setelah sekian lama absen mengikuti KTM, Rabu lalu gua kembali hadir berhubung yang khotbah itu salah satu pendeta yang gua senang mendengar khotbahnya, ahahahaha :p
KTM dibuka dengan sebuah lagu berjudul "Yesus Kekuatan" yang dinyanyikan berulang2 and gua baru ngeh kalo gua tau nih lagu pas udah memasuki bagian reff-nya, hahaha..
Sebuah lagu yang menurut "" diciptakan oleh Sari Simorangkir.
Demikian liriknya..
"Yesus Kekuatan"
Hanya Engkau Juru Selamatku
Tuhan, Kau setia padaku
Yang kupegang hanya janjiMu
Kupercayakan hidupku
Kusembah Kau Allahku
Bapa dan sahabatku
Kau yang pedulikan seluruh hidupku
Walau lewati lembah
Aku tak ditinggalkan
Yesus kekuatan di hidupku
Hanya Engkau Juru Selamatku
Tuhan, Kau setia padaku
Kuyakini pertolonganMu
Takkan terlambat bagiku
Entah kenapa, pas menyanyikan dan mendengarkan lirik lagu ini, terutama di bagian "Kau yang pedulikan seluruh hidupku", gua ngerasa terharu, huhuhu..
Hanya Dia yang paling tahu seluruh kisah hidup kita, right from the very beginning up to the very end, tidak ada satu pun detail kehidupan kita yang terlewatkan olehNya.
Dalam segala kesenangan, kegembiraan, kesedihan, kejatuhan, keterpurukan, kelemahan, keputusasaan.. Dia selalu ada dan peduli, hanya Dia yang tidak pernah meninggalkan kita dan hanya Dia yang bisa memberikan kita kekuatan yang akan memampukan kita untuk melalui apapun kejadian yang kita alami dalam hidup ini.
Ada kalanya kita merasa Tuhan sedemikian jauh, ada kalanya kita merasa Tuhan kok diam aja sih kaga mau mengulurkan tanganNya untuk menolong dan mengangkat kita dari keterpurukan.. ada kalanya di mana kita mungkin merasa Dia meninggalkan kita..
Tapi kemaren ini gua membaca buku yang seakan kembali mengingatkan gua untuk "tetap percaya Tuhan, walau Dia terlihat diam saja".
His ways are not our ways.. dalam 'diam'-Nya sekalipun, rencanaNya yang indah sedang terjalin dalam hidup kita. It might take time before we can see hasil rancanganNya itu namun yang selalu perlu kita ingat adalah rancanganNya dalam hidup kita itu selalu yang terbaik dan segala sesuatu akan menjadi indah pada waktu yang telah ditetapkanNya, jauh melebihi segala yang pernah kita pikirkan dan harapkan ;)
walau lewati lembah
aku tak ditinggalkan
Yesus kekuatan di hidupku
Topic ended : Jumat, 18 November 2011 (9:11 am)
Download Free Christmas Music
We are sorry... The MP3 Downloads are currently available only to US customers located in the United States. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
AFN Iraq signs off
AFN Iraq was the American Forces Network of radio stations within Iraq. The network, nicknamed Freedom Radio, broadcasted news, information, and entertainment programs, including adult contemporary music. Its mission was to "sustain and improve the morale and readiness" of U.S. forces in Iraq.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
On this day in 1922 the BBC conducted its first radio broadcasts from Birmingham (5IT) and Manchester (2ZY). Manchester and London broadcast the first general election results. Manchester aired the first children's program, called "Kiddies Corner".
old BBC radio equipment and memories
On this day in 1926, network radio was born in the US. 24 stations carried the first broadcast from (bong-bing-bong) NBC, the National Broadcasting Company. The program was a gala 4½-hour broadcast from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Two remote pickups were also on the program. Opera star Mary Garden sang from Chicago and Will Rogers presented a humorous monologue from Independence, Kansas. Charles Lindbergh was among the luminaries who attended the broadcast.
Early Radio History
On that same day in 1926, AT&T sold New York's WEAF radio to RCA. It was the originating station for most of the early NBC schedule.
old BBC radio equipment and memories
On this day in 1926, network radio was born in the US. 24 stations carried the first broadcast from (bong-bing-bong) NBC, the National Broadcasting Company. The program was a gala 4½-hour broadcast from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Two remote pickups were also on the program. Opera star Mary Garden sang from Chicago and Will Rogers presented a humorous monologue from Independence, Kansas. Charles Lindbergh was among the luminaries who attended the broadcast.
Early Radio History
On that same day in 1926, AT&T sold New York's WEAF radio to RCA. It was the originating station for most of the early NBC schedule.
Monday, November 14, 2011
On this day in 1922 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began its domestic radio service on 2L0, London. from Marconi House.
Also this day in 1921, Chicago radio station KYW broadcast the first opera by a professional company. Listeners heard Samson Et Dalila as it was being performed at the Chicago Auditorium.
Also this day in 1921, Chicago radio station KYW broadcast the first opera by a professional company. Listeners heard Samson Et Dalila as it was being performed at the Chicago Auditorium.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Picture Talking : Are They Here?
Topic starter : Thursday, November 10, 2011 (6:23 pm)
"Are They Here?"
"Can you see them?"
"Nope, I don't see anyone's around!
"How about from this side?"
"Still there's no one around!"
"Are you sure?"
"Okayy.. let's get back to sleep then!"
*yawning and cuddling, only takes a while before the snores begin*
Topic ended : Thursday, November 10, 2011 (6:26 pm)
Note : all pictures are from own collections ^o^
George Watt Fenneman (November 10, 1919 – May 29, 1997) was an American radio and television announcer.
Fenneman was born in Beijing, China, the only child of American parents in the import-export business. He was nine months old when his parents moved to San Francisco, California, United States, where he grew up. In 1942 he graduated from San Francisco State College with a degree in speech and drama, and took a job as an announcer with a local radio station. During the Second World War he worked as a broadcast correspondent for the U.S. Office of War Information. In 1946, he moved to Los Angeles and resumed his radio career.
He is most remembered as the announcer and good-natured sidekick on the Groucho Marx comedy/quiz show vehicle, You Bet Your Life, which began in 1947 on radio and moved to television in 1950, where it remained on NBC for 11 years. Fenneman's mellifluous voice, clean-cut good looks, and gentlemanly manner provided the ideal foil for Marx's zany antics and bawdy ad-libs.
Wikipedia |
SHOP: George Fenneman
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
CoD : Just Ask, Don't Assume!!
Picture is taken from : own collection
Yesterday I got a package that I've been waiting for since the last couple of weeks, soo excited when I first saw the name of the sender.
I quickly dialled my brother cause he was the one who ordered what I wanted and it was his name on the front side of the package, when I said to him where the package was from, he immediately said that the package was for me so I could ripped it off without having to wait for him, yeaahh ^o^
Excitedly, I opened it.. first disappointment was that the enveloped was no longer sealed! I don't know whether it was the sender who cut it off or the post office here but the side of the envelope had been cut.
Next disappointment was.. my goodness, I was ordering postcard online from HongKong and I was expected something big, at least much bigger than the size of.. namecards!!
I mean, there should be a minimum standard size for something to be called as postcard, right? What I got were more like mini greeting cards, rather than postcards, huhuhuhu..
I was soo disappointed even though the images are still so cute to look at :'( Not to mention that those 'mini' cards are like printed by personal computer, not even printed on a thicker paper!
Lesson number one from my international online shopping is.. ask much things about the things I'd like ordering before making the order! Just ask, and NEVER assume it myself about the things I wanted to buy!
So I browsed the seller page again to see what I've missed and apparently.. the image was quite clear of how very small those cards were, wakakakakakakakak..
Looked like I was too focused and too overwhelmed of the idea that I might have those cards with such cute images, and most certain, the ones you can't buy here that I didn't put too much notice on the card size, ahahahahaha..
So there goes my first experience of buying postcards online :p
Will I buy something else? I'd surely will.. cause I've checked another web source and there are soo many postcard books around with cute images, I just need to figure out the shipping fees and calculate it to my own currency so I know how much I'd spend, not just assuming, ahahahaha!
Topic ended : Thursday, November 10, 2011 (6:54 am)
EAS TEST don’t stress; it’s only a test..
Tested Wednesday 9 NOV 11, at 2pm EST. No Audio here in Texas, just image on yellow map of Texas appearing for five minutes...via cable. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national warning system in the United States put into place on January 1, 1997, when it superseded the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), which itself had superseded the CONELRAD System. In addition to alerting the public of local weather emergencies such as tornadoes and flash floods, the official EAS is designed to enable the President of the United States to speak to the United States within 10 minutes[citation needed], but the nationwide federal EAS has never been activated. A national EAS test was conducted on November 9, 2011 at 2pm Eastern Standard Time. The EAS regulations and standards are governed by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC. Each state and several territories have their own EAS plan. EAS has become part of IPAWS - the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, a program of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EAS is jointly coordinated by FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Weather Service (NOAA/NWS).
Tested Wednesday 9 NOV 11, at 2pm EST. No Audio here in Texas, just image on yellow map of Texas appearing for five minutes...via cable. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national warning system in the United States put into place on January 1, 1997, when it superseded the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), which itself had superseded the CONELRAD System. In addition to alerting the public of local weather emergencies such as tornadoes and flash floods, the official EAS is designed to enable the President of the United States to speak to the United States within 10 minutes[citation needed], but the nationwide federal EAS has never been activated. A national EAS test was conducted on November 9, 2011 at 2pm Eastern Standard Time. The EAS regulations and standards are governed by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC. Each state and several territories have their own EAS plan. EAS has become part of IPAWS - the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, a program of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EAS is jointly coordinated by FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Weather Service (NOAA/NWS).
Monday, November 7, 2011
Rescue, Kiss, Repeat
I don't know about you, but I'm loving ABC's new show, Once Upon a Time. It's one of those rare TV shows that keeps getting better and better with each episode.
In the first few episodes, we see Prince Charming (whose real name is James, we learn), wake Snow White. Later, we learn how Snow and Charming met. It was the kind of meet cute that involves a lot of flirtatious squabbling, adventure, a grudging admiration and a certain amount of chemistry. She saves him. He saves her.
Rescue, kiss, repeat.
I love that. I love it because it's a truer model for a real-life happy ending in marriage. It's not just the prince rescuing the princess in the classic model, or the princess rescuing the prince in the feminist model. Long-term love involves both. Marriage is committing to rescue each other, over and over again. It's having each other's backs, it's being strong for each other.
Fairy tales will always have a special place in my heart, but I'm troubled by the lack of stories that involve courage on behalf of both men and women. East of the Sun, West of the Moon is one of the rare examples of a couple who must rescue each other. The prince, as the bear, rescues the girl from poverty. The girl rescues the prince from the troll princess.
There is still a happily ever after for them, but both the man and the woman have had to work for it.
And that's how marriage is, isn't it? Courage is required for both the husband and wife to fight for and rescue each other, facing down despair, discouragement, illness, and injury in battle.
You never know how many battles you'll face in marriage, or when the next one will find you. The happily-in-betweens? Absolutely worth the work.
Big Band remote with Benny Goodman
Benny Goodman Camel Caravan radio show from Earle Theatre Philadelphia 02/14/1939. With Johnny Mercer and Martha Tilton.
to site
to site
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Andy Rooney (January 14, 1919 - November 5, 2011)
Andrew Aitken "Andy" Rooney (January 14, 1919 - November 5, 2011) was an American radio and television writer. He was most notable for his weekly broadcast "A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney", a part of the CBS News program 60 Minutes from 1978 to 2011. His final regular appearance on 60 Minutes aired October 2, 2011.
Wikipedia | SHOP: Andy Rooney
"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done."
"Don't rule out working with your hands. It does not preclude using your head."
"Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose."
"If dogs could talk it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one."
"I'm already suspicious of anyone who thinks he or she is smart enough to be president. You'd have to have some ego to believe that about yourself.
"I didn't get old on purpose. It just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you."
Andy Rooney, "60 Minutes" commentator, a legend of comedic journalism, died this week at age 92.
Read more: HERE
Wikipedia | SHOP: Andy Rooney
"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done."
"Don't rule out working with your hands. It does not preclude using your head."
"Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose."
"If dogs could talk it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one."
"I'm already suspicious of anyone who thinks he or she is smart enough to be president. You'd have to have some ego to believe that about yourself.
"I didn't get old on purpose. It just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you."
Andy Rooney, "60 Minutes" commentator, a legend of comedic journalism, died this week at age 92.
Read more: HERE
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