Merlin Media's WWWN-FM launched a highly anticipated All-News fromat late Friday afternoon, 29 July 2011. The station is now known as FM News 101.1 The move beats CBS Radio's 780 AM WBBM scheduled to simulcast on 105.9 FM, with a Monday, August 1st start date.
Chicago Tribune | Search for chicago radio
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Shadow Knows what evil lurks... Lamont Cranston
The Shadow debuted on CBS Radio, July 31, 1930, as the mysterious narrator of the Street and Smith radio program Detective Story Hour. The series was later heard on The Mutual Radio network with Orson Welles. After gaining popularity among the show's listeners, the narrator became the star of The Shadow Magazine on April 1, 1931, a pulp series created and primarily written by the prolific Gibson.
Radio History | Wikipedia | Search for The Shadow
Radio History | Wikipedia | Search for The Shadow
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Ranting Kehidupan
Gambar diambil dari :
"Seberapa banyak ranting dalam kehidupanmu yang perlu untuk disingkirkan?"
Itu salah satu tweet original gua di hari ini? Kenapa gua sebut original? Karena gua perhatiin.. gua lebih sering nge-retweet di Twitter, hahaha.. abisnya kadang kalo mo cuap2 suka bingung sendiri mo ngomongin apaan githu lhoo..
Anywayy.. kenapa tweet itu yang gua tuliskan? Semuanya itu bermula dari pohon sejenis palem yang ada di halaman belakang rumah. Pohon yang telah mengalami perpindahan ntah dari mana lalu mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat hingga tumbuh subur dan tinggi menjulang, cuman satu aja sih masalahnyaa.. daun2nya yang mirips bangets ama daun pohon kelapa ituu (gua ngga tau istilahnya dhe, tapi kalo dibilang pohon kelapa tau donks bentuk daunnya kaya gimana? :p) amat sangat menghalangi jalan bangets kalo mo ke kolam buat ngeliat ikan2 yang lagi pada berenang ngga peduli mo ujan mo terik, pokoknya mereka terus berenang karena ngga tau mo melakukan apaan lagi selain berenang, haha..
Udah lama sih sebenernya nih daun terasa mengganggu karena tiap kali mo menapak di bebatuan itu musti menundukkan kepala biar ngga terkena tuh daun2nya, bukannya sok berasa diri tinggi tapi emang tuh dahan berdaun demen bangets sih mejeng dalam posisi yang rendah hingga tinggal beberapa jengkal lagi sukses dhe mencium tanah!
Tapi yaa ituu.. berhubung kemaren2 jarang ngelewatin tuh pohon karena toh kolam lagi sepi ikan terus minta tolong tuh dahan buat dipotong tapi kaga dikerja2in akhirnya gua mencapai batas kesabaran gua dalam merunduk tiap kali harus melalui jalan setapak ituu.. berbekal gunting ranting, dengan teganya gua memotong tidak hanya satu, tapi ada mungkin lebih dari 5 dahan berdaun itu dan tadaa.. kini gua melewati jalan itu tanpa perlu menunduk2 ataupun jengkel karena keberadaan tuh dahan yang menganggu.
Jadi mikir.. mungkin seringkali kita itu dijengkelkan ama sesuatu yang sebenernya emang udah saatnya perlu disingkirkan dari hidup kita kali ya, tapi ya selama ini kita hanya berharap hal itu akan menghilang ketika kita membuka mata tanpa melakukan usaha sedikit pun untuk membantunya menghilang dengan cepat, huahahaha..
And tadi gua sempat merapikan pohon di depan. Dipikir2, gua itu kurang suka dahan yang banyak ranting jadi tadi gua membuang ranting2 yang banyak bangets bertebaran di sepanjang dahan itu, padahal tuh ranting2 kecil juga sebenernya banyak yang merupakan ranting mati yang tidak lagi berdaun, boro2 berbuah!
Ketika udah berhasil membuang ranting2 dan dahan2 yang ngga perlu itu.. pohon itu pun terlihat lebih rapi dan lebih ngga ruwet, huahahaha..
Jadi mikir.. mungkin udah saatnya mulai memangkas juga ranting2 yang sampai saat ini masih menghiasi kehidupan ataupun bermain dalam pikiran kali yaa? Toh keberadaan mereka juga ngga berguna, siapa tau setelah memangkas ranting2 kecil yang udah pada kering ataupun yang keberadaannya menganggu ituu.. 'buah2' pikiran yang pada waktunya akan masak akan mempunyai tempat dan nutrisi yang cukup untuk bisa bertumbuh kembang karena tidak lagi harus berbagi tempat dengan para ranting yang sebenernya ngga penting2 amat selain untuk menambah keruwetan!
Hmm.. githu kali yaa?
Gua kangen ama pelajaran alam.. gua kangen akan masa2 di mana I can learn from small little things that happen around me.. gua kangen akan masa2 di mana gua bisa mengaitkan apa yang terjadi di sekitar gua dengan apa yang ada di dalam diri gua..
Wed 27/7 (12:14 am)
Courtney Roulston : Find Your Own Way That Suits You The Most
Gambar diambil dari sini
Kenal ama wajah di atas? Namanya Courtney, nama lengkapnya Courtney Roulston, dia salah satu peserta Masterchef Australia season 2.
Buat yang nonton Starworld and suka mengikuti acara Masterchef, maka mungkin rada familiar ama wajahnya.
Berhubung gua kaga ngikutin acara Masterchef ini secara urut, gua ngga tau dulu si Courtney itu kedepak dari Masterchef karena apaan, tapii.. dalam satu kesempatan untuk kembali lagi ke kompetisi masak ini, Courtney berhasil menyingkirkan peserta2 lainnya dan turut masuk kembali menjadi 10 besar bersama dengan Peter dan Jimmy, 2 peserta lain yang sebelonnya juga sempat tersingkir tapi mendapat kesempatan untuk kembali ke kompetisi.
Lalu kenapa gua jadi pengen ngebahas si Courtney ini? Karenaa.. di tayangan sore hari ini, Selasa, 26 Juli 2011 (ya ya yaa.. gua merasa perlu untuk mencatatkan tanggalnya sekedar untuk mengingatkan gua kapan pertama kali gua 'menyadari' pentingnya hal ini, hahaha :p) di babak eliminasi, Courtney mengatakan sesuatu yang berkesan buat gua.
Jadi di tantangan sebelonnya, di invention test kalo ngga salah, si Courtney bersama Jonathan dan Jimmy itu memasak 3 hidangan yang paling ngga mengesankan para juri karenanya ketiganya masuk babak pressure test untuk menentukan siapa di antara mereka bertiga yang harus pulang dan mimpi untuk jadi the next Masterchef terpaksa harus berhenti sampai di babak 8 besar ajaa..
Tantangan di babak pressure test ini adalah menciptakan ulang hidangan Christine Manfield, untuk detail makanannya silahkan cari info di Google aja, hahaha.. karena gua ngga ngerti dhe aww, lagian buat soal makanannya itu sendiri yang mo gua bahas :p
Untuk tantangan semacam ini, ketiga peserta yang bertanding diberikan resep dan mereka harus memasak hidangan yang mereka cicipi sebelonnya untuk kemudian dinilai oleh ketiga juri tetap dan 1 juri tamu, dan juri tamunya adalah koki yang memasak hidangan yang akan dimasak ulang oleh para kontestan.
Sejak awal, si Christine Manfield (maap ya, Tante, kalo salah menyebut nama :D) udah menekankan betapa pentingnya untuk seakurat mungkin mengikuti resep hidangannya itu karena prinsip dia dalam memasak adalah ketepatan dan kesempurnaan.
Sementara ketiga kontestan memasak untuk mempertahankan posisi mereka di kompetisi ini, 5 peserta lain menonton dari atas, and si Claire cuman geleng2 kepala ngeliat si Courtney itu masak ngga pake takaran, main masukin garam and bumbu2 lain berdasar feeling dia ajaa.. bahkan George, salah satu juri tetap ketika menyambangi tempat Courtney bertanya padanya, "Apa kamu udah menakar semuanya dengan tepat?"
Courtney menjawab, "George, aku itu udah sering bangets masak, aku ngga perlu nimbang or ngukur untuk tau takaran satu sendok teh itu seberapa banyak, lagian aku ini tipe yang masak berdasar insting dan perasaan jadi dari waktu ke waktu aku mencicipi masakan yang aku buat untuk mendapatkan rasa yang pas."
George menatap Courtney, ngga jelas apa yang melintas dalam pikirannya, haha, karena apa yang ada dalam pikiran juri itu ngga dianggap cukup penting untuk menambah 'drama' dari cooking show ini, ahahaha.. padahal dipikir2 khan cukup menarik untuk tau apa pendapat mereka secara profesional, iya khan?
Anywayy.. ketika menghidangkan makanan di hadapan keempat juri, si Courtney ini kembali menegaskan, "Aku ngga berusaha untuk tampil pintar, terutama di hadapan kalian, tapi aku ini tipe yang terbiasa memasak berdasar naluri dan perasaan, bukan berdasar ukuran, demikian aku biasa melakukannya dan aku ngga akan melakukannya dengan cara lain. Aku harap hasilnya sesuai dengan apa yang kalian inginkan."
Ya ya yaa.. kalimat aslinya si Courtney sih lebih keren, hahaha.. tapi gua terlalu malas untuk mencari dan mengutipnya secara tepat, karenanya gua lebih memilih untuk menuliskannya dalam bahasa setangkapnya gua.
And heyy.. menurut gua yang diomongin ama Courtney itu amat sangat mantaps, man!
Amat sangat berkesan, I dunno why, atau mungkin lebih tepatnya I know why but I choose not to explain in details, ahahahaha :p
Dari segi profesionalitas mungkin memang benar kalo ada orang yang mencibir apa yang diucapkan Courtney itu sambil mengatakan, "Alamaaakk.. siapa eloo, kok dikasih tau ama yang jelas2 lebih pro di bidang masak memasak dibanding elo, tapi ya kok elo sok tau githu seeh?!"
Tapii.. dipikir2, heyy.. banyak jalan menuju Romaa, walau sampai sekarang gua masih ngga ngerti kenapa juga harus Roma? Kenapa ngga Paris, atau London, atau Bali aja dhe sekalian berhubung Jakarta kalah pamor dibanding Bali di mata orang asing, ahahaha :p
Ehh.. melenceng, jadi mari kita kembali ke baris sebelonnyaa..
Banyak jalan menuju Roma yang artinya ada banyak cara juga dalam memasak, dan banyaaaaak cara juga dalam berbagai hal lainnya di kehidupan ini.. just because all those experts are used in some certain ways, bukan berarti itu the only way to cook a delicious food khan?
So I guess in the end.. semuanya kembali lagi ke soal memilih cara yang terasa paling mencerminkan diri kita supaya ngga terbebani juga dalam menjalankannya, iya khan? Karena toh kalo berbicara soal hasil, mo pakai cara apapun, "Makanan itu ngga bisa bohong, yang sering bohong itu adalah manusia-nya", huahahahaha.. kutipan yang mantaps khan?! :p
Jadi, Courtneyy.. walau gua udah tau siapa yang menang di acara ini and itu bukanlah dirimu, terima kasih telah membukakan mata akan hal yang penting tapi seringkali tenggelam di tengah tekanan ;)
Goo, Courtneyy!! ^o^
Selasa, 26 Juli 2011 (8:00 pm) -> kangen juga udah lama ngga ngetik2 jam, hahaha :p
Tentang Sepotong Keset & Setumpuk Perasaan (Dan Beragam Hal Dari Kamar Mandi)
Tentang Keset & Setumpuk Perasaan
Dari hasil ngeringin lantai kamar mandii.. gua belajar dari sepotong keset handuk basah yang mana mirips ama setumpuk perasaan yang tidak terselesaikan yang mana tuh yaa.. sama seperti keset handuk itu yang kalo dibiarkan aja tanpa dijemur ataupun dikeringkan bisa jadi lahan empuk bagi makhluk2 melata sejenis cacing untuk ngendon dengan tenang dan nyaman.. demikian juga halnya dengan hati kita yang harus senantiasa dijaga agar emosi2 negatif and perasaan2 yang belon terselesaikan itu jangan sampai menggerogoti hati yang membuatnya jadi sengsara and nelangsa, ahahaha * nyambung apa kaga sih? :p*
Tentang Wastafel & Hati Manusia
terus pas ngebersihin wastafel jadi mikir.. betapa kita itu emang ngga seharusnya hanya ~.*.fokus pada apa yang dilihat mata aja yaa karena apa yang ngga keliatan itu porsinya amat sangat jauuuuuhh lebih besar! maksudnya soal hati manusia yang menyimpan sedemikian banyaknya misteri yang ngga bisa dijabarkan hanya dengan melihat lapisan paling luar yang ditangkap oleh mata, ahahaha :p
Tentang Sumbat & Air
tadi pas ngisi bak mandi jadi mikir.. menarik yaa betapa sumbat yang sekecil itu mampuu menahan air sedemikian banyaknya agar ngga mengalir keluar, ahahahaha :D
Tentang Pembersihan Saluran Air (Part 1)
pelajaran dari pembersihan saluran air hari ini -> sesuatu yang mengalir lancar sekalipun, bukan berarti tidak ada kotoran yang menyumbat di sepanjang pipa penyalurannya, karena ternyataa.. ketika saluran pipa tersebut disemprot dengan angin, huaa.. yang keluar itu bukan lagi air jernih melainkan air yang hitamnya ngga kalah ama air selokan! -> dan kenapa lagi2 kesimpulan gua masih sama seperti sebelonnya, yaituu.. jangan terpaku akan senyuman yang terlihat oleh mata, karena mungkin saja di balik senyuman ituu, dalam benaknya sedang menyusun rencana untuk menyakiti siapapun yang dianggap menghalangi jalannya, hiii.. **
Tentang Pembersihan Saluran Air (Part 2)
oww.. satu hal menarik lainnya, masih dari pembersihan saluran air.. emang sih ngga enak diliat bangets pas air kotor yang keruh warnanya itu mengalir keluar dari keran, untung aja airnya ngga berbau, hahaha.. tapii.. tau ngga sih bahwa setelah bolak balik dibersihkan dan aliran air kehitaman itu berhentii.. yang gua dapatkan adalah air yang jerniiiiihh bangets, udah lama rasanya ngga ngeliat air yang sebening itu :p
gua jadi mikir.. sama seperti hidup kali yaa.. kadang khan dalam hidup ini, mau ngga mau, suka ngga suka, ada saat di mana kita itu akan mengalami hal2 yang ngga mengenakkan yang ngga terhindarkan yang seringkali membuat kita merasa bagai ikan yang dikeluarkan dari air, bernapas aja sulit rasanya, boro2 untuk bisa memandang baik apa yang sedang kita alami ituu..
tapii.. satu2nya yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah.. bertahan.. karena segala sesuatu itu pasti akan menemui sebuah akhiran, iya khan? hal2 baik, sama halnya dengan hal2 buruk, semuanya ngga ada yang abadi, di satu saat mereka akan menemui sebuah akhiran, dan itu sesuatu yang pasti, yang ngga pasti itu adalah kapan akhiran itu tibanya, wakakakakakak :p
and kejadian ini mengingatkan gua akan apa yang gua alami beberapa tahun lalu ketika kaki gua itu mengalami pengelupasan kulit kaki yang paraaah bangets.. tapi ada blessing in disguise di balik semuanya itu karena gua mendapatkan kesimpulan yang lumayan penting buat gua, sama seperti apa yang gua dapatkan dari 'proses' pembersihan saluran air hari ini.
menarik yaa.. betapa hal2 yang berbeda dapat membawa kita pada kesimpulan yang sama.. sama menariknya seperti hal2 yang sama itu dapat memberikan kesimpulan yang berbeda!
aahh.. hidup itu emang menarik, asal kita bisa menarik jarak yang cukup untuk bisa melihat sesuatu dengan lebih jelas, tanpa terlalu terlibat secara emosi di dalamnya.
hmm.. lagi2 tentang attach dan detach.. sungguh menarik, ahahahaha :p
*sedang mengumpulkan cuap2 di G+ supaya ngumpul jadi satu di sini (padahal sih karena ngga ada ide mo mosting apaan, wakakakakak :p*
Sat 30/7 (8:47 pm)
God Does Work in Mysterious Way(s)
Picture is taken from : own collection
Topic starter : Saturday, July 30, 11 (7:25 pm)
It's funny how from time to time, you come to realize that God does work in a mysterious way, how sometimes wishes do come true but you can't predict from which directions cause at times the way things happen is far from what you expect them to be.
Where do I get my conclusion of the day? It's none other from the pic above ;)
Do you know what pic is that?
It's a pic of a man and his cat, I've seen some variations of this pic at the Postcrossing's gallery but only about a week ago I learned from a kind Postcrosser fellow that the man's name was Pettson and Findus was the cat! And the illustrator behind these amazing "Pettson and Findus" series is Sven Nordqvist.
I still don't know exactly where Sven Nordqvist comes from and yeaahh.. I'm too lazy to use Google to find out about that, hahaha.. the beauty of mystery, that's how I'd like to call it :p
I've mentioned how I want a card of "Pettson and Findus" card in my main Postcrossing's account but still no one sends me the card yet.
Funnily though.. I finally get the above card.. from my 2nd account! Ahahaha.. I didn't mention about "Pettson & Findus" at all in my 2nd account, I only say that I'm more into illustration from children books, but heyy.. that's where the card I've been waiting for finally arrives ;)
Isn't it amazing how He has soo many ways to fulfill what we're longing for? Isn't it comforting to know He does listen to our heart's desire?
Sure.. sometimes we don't get what we want, no matter how much we want it, hahaha.. but in time I guess we come to realize that perhaps it's true that not getting what we want is for the best ;)
Be grateful for whatever things come in your life, they're there to shape you to be a better version of yourself.
And there's one thing that I heard from "Enjoying Everyday Life" with Joyce Meyer that I love so much.. she said that we need not to be like anyone else, just be who we really are and no need to apologize for that :D
I don't remember the exact words, ahahaha..
But I find it funny how God has created each of us unique with some slight differences with other people but at times we're doing our hardest efforts to eliminate the differences and be exactly the same like anyone else, ahahaha..
Be grateful of our own 'garden', even when it's not as green as the neighbours' (from afar).. let's plant some flowers and wait for them to bloom so let our neighbours have the greener garden but we can enjoy the beauty of colourful flowers in our very own garden, yeaahh!
Have a nice weekend to you all, take care ;)
Topic ended : Saturday, July 30, 2011 (8:18 pm)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Vladimir Kozmich Zworykin birthday July 30
(July 30, 1889 – July 29, 1982)
He was a Russian-American inventor, engineer, and pioneer of television technology. Zworykin invented a television transmitting and receiving system employing cathode ray tubes. He played a role in the practical development of television from the early thirties, including charge storage-type tubes, infrared image tubes and the electron microscope.
Wikipedia | Search for Zworykin
He was a Russian-American inventor, engineer, and pioneer of television technology. Zworykin invented a television transmitting and receiving system employing cathode ray tubes. He played a role in the practical development of television from the early thirties, including charge storage-type tubes, infrared image tubes and the electron microscope.
Wikipedia | Search for Zworykin
KFOG San Francisco CA
The station signed on in the early 1960s as KBAY and was owned by Kaiser Broadcasting, a company started by local industrialist Henry J. Kaiser. The KFOG call letters have been around for decades, and were used when 104.5 played beautiful music. Station KKGN is best known as the longtime home of KABL, the successor to KROW and one of the first beautiful music stations in the United States, owned by 1950s radio pioneer Gordon McLendon.
Peter Jennings birthday July 29
Peter Charles Archibald Ewart Jennings, CM (July 29, 1938 – August 7, 2005) was a Canadian American journalist and news anchor. He was the sole anchor of ABC's World News Tonight from 1983 until his death in 2005 of complications from lung cancer. A high-school dropout, he transformed himself into one of American television's most prominent journalists.
Jennings started his career early, hosting a Canadian radio show at the age of nine. He began his professional career with CJOH-TV in Ottawa during its early years, anchoring the local newscasts and hosting a teen dance show, Saturday Date, on Saturdays.
In 1965, ABC News tapped him to anchor its flagship evening news program. Along with Tom Brokaw at NBC and Dan Rather at CBS, Jennings formed part of the "Big Three" news anchors who dominated American evening network news from the early 1980s to 2005. His death, which closely followed the retirements of Brokaw and Rather, marked the end of the "Big Three" era.
Wikipedia | Search for Peter Jennings
Jennings started his career early, hosting a Canadian radio show at the age of nine. He began his professional career with CJOH-TV in Ottawa during its early years, anchoring the local newscasts and hosting a teen dance show, Saturday Date, on Saturdays.
In 1965, ABC News tapped him to anchor its flagship evening news program. Along with Tom Brokaw at NBC and Dan Rather at CBS, Jennings formed part of the "Big Three" news anchors who dominated American evening network news from the early 1980s to 2005. His death, which closely followed the retirements of Brokaw and Rather, marked the end of the "Big Three" era.
Wikipedia | Search for Peter Jennings
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Countdown
Very soon...
1.) Tesla will no longer have vertical blinds to drive us crazy with.
2.) Neither will she have a coffee table to hide under.
(We've been in a furnished corporate apartment)
3.) We will have COUNTER SPACE.
4.) And a full-sized fridge! For the first time in four years!
5.) Our things will be out of storage. Including:
a.) My KitchenAid! Sadie!
b.) My pastry-cutter! Which I stupidly did not haul out to Memphis!
c.) My knives!
d.) My DISHES!!!
e.) My husband's third and fourth pairs of cargo shorts! (It's been 90+ degrees around here since June, and he only brought two pairs to Memphis because we wintered in Memphis and bringing more seemed silly. O that we knew how we'd have only that which we took to Memphis for our first five months in the spring and summer. Hindsight and all that.)
f.) My desk!
g.) My copies of Plain Jayne and Simply Sara! (So that when people ask to buy/ read copies, I'll actually have one on hand. Or, like, fifty.)
6.) No more crazy-loud upstairs neighbors!
7.) No more crazy-loud downstairs neighbors...
8.) No more housekeepers who show up at inopportune moments.
9.) No more housekeepers to take out the trash and occasionally scrub out the guest bathroom tub. Hm.
10.) Likewise the landscapers...
11.) We'll have a kitchen with an actually, honest-to-goodness PANTRY!
12.) Also, we'll have real-live guest rooms. With beds. For guests.
13.) No more Oregon sales-tax exemption...
14.) No more state income tax (and if you're self-employed in the state of Oregon, you know there is a definite ouch factor there!). Ooh, and LTD tax. For a bus I haven't ridden since my freshman years of high school.
15.) We'll finally have a home. And that is something to look forward to.
P.S. That picture? So totally not actually our house. Just in case you were wondering
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Remembering Network Announcers...
Birthday July 28, 1910, of announcer Bill Goodwin in San Francisco. He was for years the announcer on The Burns & Allen Show and as well was incorporated into the script playing a ladies man. He was spokesman for Swan Soap and Maxwell House Coffee, among others, on radio; Carnation Evaporated Milk on television. His last job was on The Bob Hope Radio Show (1953-55.) He died following a heart attack May 9 1958 at age 47. Wikipedia Bio
July 28, 1922, future CBS TV announcer Art Hannes was born in Kentucky. His voice was most often heard on The Ed Sullivan Show. He died March 30 1992 at age 69.
Death on July 28, 2004, of Jackson Beck, the man who introduced the Superman radio show with, "Faster than a speeding bullet!", died at age 92. He also starred in the title roles of radio's Cisco Kid and Philo Vance, and impersonated Joseph Stalin and other world leaders for the March of Time radio series. Wikipedia | Rememberance
July 28, 1922, future CBS TV announcer Art Hannes was born in Kentucky. His voice was most often heard on The Ed Sullivan Show. He died March 30 1992 at age 69.
Death on July 28, 2004, of Jackson Beck, the man who introduced the Superman radio show with, "Faster than a speeding bullet!", died at age 92. He also starred in the title roles of radio's Cisco Kid and Philo Vance, and impersonated Joseph Stalin and other world leaders for the March of Time radio series. Wikipedia | Rememberance
Remembering Quality Radio Receivers
Back in the days when brick-and-mortar stores ruled the retail market, audio companies took pride in their engineering skills and designed entire receivers in-house. Right up through the 1980s most of what was "under the hood" was designed and built by the company selling the receiver. That's no longer true; the majority of today's gotta-have features--auto-setup, GUI menus, AirPlay, iPod/iPhone/iPad compatibility, home networking, HD Radio, Bluetooth, HDMI switching, digital-to-analog converters, Dolby and DTS surround processors--are sourced and manufactured by other companies. Industry insiders refer to the practice of cramming as many features as possible into the box as "checklist design." Sure, there are rare glimpses of original thinking going on--Pioneer's proprietary MCACC (Multi Channel Acoustic Calibration) auto-setup system is excellent--it's just that there's precious little unique technology in most receivers.
Read more: HERE | Search for radio receiver
Read more: HERE | Search for radio receiver
Monday, July 25, 2011
660 kc New York City
On July 25th in In 1922, AT&T began broadcasting on radio station WBAY New York City, the predecessor of WEAF, WNBC, WRCA and the current WFAN. AT&T broadcast assets within a few years were early NBC properties. August 16, AT&T radio station WBAY becomes WEAF (New York City) ...Another post indicates that on September 1, 1922 The first daily news program on radio was "The Radio Digest", on WBAY radio. The program, hosted by George F. Thompson, the program’s editor, originated from New York City. WWW.OLDRADIO.COM states: The broadcasting industry in the United States was originally regulated by the Department of Commerce. Initially all stations shared a single entertainment wavelength of 360 meters -- roughly 833 kilohertz. (Note: From December, 1921 to May 15, 1923 many stations were also authorized use of 485 meters -- 619 khz -- for broadcasting Market and Weather reports. These authorizations are not included in the charts, because they were of limited importance and would make the charts too complicated). In the congested New York area the single wavelength meant that complicated, and hard fought, timesharing agreements had to be negotiated. In late September of 1922, a second entertainment wavelength of 400 meters (750 khz) was assigned for better quality, higher powered stations. Stations on the new wavelength were designated "Class B" outlets, while those on 360 became known as "Class A" stations. About thirty stations nationwide would eventually qualify to use 400 meters, including, among stations reviewed in the charts, WBAY, WEAF, WOR and WHAZ. Wikipedia indicates the 660 AM frequency in New York originated as WEAF on March 2, 1922, owned by AT&T. In 1926, WEAF became the flagship station of the NBC Red Network, one of two radio chains operated by the National Broadcasting Company. By 1928, WEAF was purchased by NBC's parent company, the Radio Corporation of America.
As a result of the North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement of 1941, WEAF became a clear-channel station and could be heard across most of the eastern half of North America at night. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court, citing antitrust concerns, ordered RCA to sell off one of its radio networks. The company decided to keep the Red Network, and it was rebranded as the NBC Radio Network after the Blue Network was divested to Edward J. Noble.
WEAF's call letters were changed to WNBC in 1946, then to WRCA in 1954, and back to WNBC in 1960. During the 1960s, WNBC relied less on network programming and adopted a talk format, followed by a switch to a middle-of-the-road music sound. The station spent much of the 1970s and early 1980s flipping between the Top 40 and adult contemporary formats, with varying success. By the middle of the 1980s, WNBC played less music and relied more on personality-driven talk programs with hosts such as Don Imus, Howard Stern, Joey Reynolds, Alan Colmes, and Soupy Sales.
Wikipedia WFAN History | Wikipedia NBC History
As a result of the North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement of 1941, WEAF became a clear-channel station and could be heard across most of the eastern half of North America at night. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court, citing antitrust concerns, ordered RCA to sell off one of its radio networks. The company decided to keep the Red Network, and it was rebranded as the NBC Radio Network after the Blue Network was divested to Edward J. Noble.
WEAF's call letters were changed to WNBC in 1946, then to WRCA in 1954, and back to WNBC in 1960. During the 1960s, WNBC relied less on network programming and adopted a talk format, followed by a switch to a middle-of-the-road music sound. The station spent much of the 1970s and early 1980s flipping between the Top 40 and adult contemporary formats, with varying success. By the middle of the 1980s, WNBC played less music and relied more on personality-driven talk programs with hosts such as Don Imus, Howard Stern, Joey Reynolds, Alan Colmes, and Soupy Sales.
Wikipedia WFAN History | Wikipedia NBC History
Saturday, July 23, 2011
RADIO NOSTALGIA USA ~ From our programming associate Richard Franklin
If you grew up (even partially) in the 1950's through 1980's, in the era of nonsensical secret-handshake songs (and dances) then rejoice and return. TUNE to this podcast by a man "living in the 'past' lane"...'The Rich Man' himself:
Don Imus birthday 23 July
Wikipedia | Search for "Don" Imus
John Donald "Don" Imus, Jr. (born July 23, 1940) is an American radio host, humorist, philanthropist and writer. His nationally-syndicated talk show, Imus in the Morning, is broadcast throughout the United States by Citadel Media and relayed on television by the Fox Business Network.
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