Friday, September 30, 2011

Amazing Race 16 : Dan & Jordan "Sweet Brotherhood"

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Jumat, 30 September 2011 (1:59 pm)

Belakangan ini gua lagi demen nonton "Amazing Race", tau ngga itu apaan? Itu lhoo reality show tentang perlombaan keliling dunia yang dimulai dari Amrik dan berakhir di Amrik juga.

Season ini gua ngga nonton dari awal and baru mulai ngikutin dari tengah pertandingan, dan pelan2 akhirnya mulai menghapal wajah2 dan nama2 para peserta.

Salah satu yang mencuri perhatian gua adalah pasangan kakak adik "Dan & Jordan" yang memenangkan Amazing Race 16, bukan kemenangan mereka yang membuat gua menulis postingan tentang mereka, tapi lebih karena ikatan di antara mereka berdua yang mencuat menjelang akhir pertandingan.

Di salah satu tantangan membuat mie sebanyak 1 kilo, Jordan yang maju untuk tantangan ini and kemajuannya itu lambaaaattt bangets boo sampe2 kelompok mereka menjadi yang terakhir yang meninggalkan arena perlombaan.

Melihat sang adik yang mulai terlihat frustrasi, Dan datang menghampirinya dan memeluknya lalu berkata, "Sudah.. sudah.. yang tenang dan fokus aja melakukannya, aku yakin kamu pasti bisa menyelesaikannya. I love you, bro!"

Melihat adegan mereka berpelukan, gua jadi terharu, huhuhu.. terus dalam beberapa sesi wawancara, gua baru tau kalo si Dan ikut Amazing Race itu buat mewujudkan impian adiknya yang pengen bangets ikutan nih perlombaan.

Terus si Jordan juga pernah berkata, "I can't thank enough for what he has done for me, not just in this race but for 22 years of my life."

Ya ya yaa.. gua lupa sih tepatnya gimana tapi kurang lebih begitulah, huhuhu.. lagi2 gua ngerasa terharuu..

Sesuai dengan namanya, "Amazing Race" memang perlombaan yang memberikan banyak kenangan menakjubkan bagi para pesertanya and you really have no where to run from each other karena selama hampir sebulan mereka akan terus menghabiskan waktu dengan intens bersama dengan pasangan yang mereka pilih untuk mendampingi mereka dalam perjalanan keliling dunia ini.

Tau sendiri lah, orang makin sering ketemuan and menghabiskan waktu bersama itu maka membuka peluang lebih lebar untuk terjadinya gesekan dalam hubungan yang telah ada.

Walau tentu saja ngga menutup kemungkinan bahwa sehabis lomba justru malah lebih akrab karena sepanjang lomba jadi lebih mengenal satu sama lain.

Selamat buat Dan & Jordan yang telah memenangkan pertandingan ini walau gua pribadi sebenernya lebih pengen tim koboi yang menang sih :p

Topic ended : Jumat, 30 September 2011 (2:27 pm)


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Broadcaster Gene Autry birthday September 29

Orvon Grover Autry (September 29, 1907 – October 2, 1998), better known as Gene Autry, was an American performer who gained fame as The Singing Cowboy on the radio, in movies and on television for more than three decades beginning in the 1930s. When his acting and singing career came to an end, Gene Autry was just getting started. He invested his money well, and was one of the wealthiest men in California, with an estimated worth of over $100 million. He formed Golden West Broadcasting, and owned the KTLA-TV studios (Channel 5) and KMPC radio for many years, Autry was also owner of the Los Angeles/California Angels Major League Baseball team from 1961 to 1997. In 1982, he sold Los Angeles television station KTLA for $245 million. He also sold several radio stations he owned, including KSFO in San Francisco, KMPC in Los Angeles, KOGO in San Diego, and other stations in the Golden West radio network.

Wikipedia | SHOP: Gene Auitry

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tricks of the Trade

I mentioned on Facebook that I wasn't going to blog about ACFW until (at least) tomorrow, and that's still true. I've got, like, 500 photos from the Memphis-Little Rock-St. Louis trip that need to be loaded onto my computer.

It's a job, let's just put it that way.

Anyway, lots of exciting stuff on the horizon and the realization that my year of quiet has come to a close. Once book projects become official, I will have a lot of work to do.  This is good, because it's a little disconcerting to be a writer by trade and not have any official projects on the horizon.

I am a bit overwhelmed at the prospect, though, partly because the writing process for Sara (and Jayne, in some ways) was VERY stressful.  I have to remember that I've learned a lot; every book is a learning experience!

Several of my friends have books releasing soon, so I thought that until I get those 600 or so photos downloaded (which, I have to admit, are largely photos of waterlilies in various botanical gardens. Apparently I have a waterlily photography "issue"), I've definitely got time to share the bits of writer's life wisdom I've discovered along the way...

1.) When the going gets tough, the tough go underwear shopping.  And socks.  Basically, when you're on a deadline/ tight marketing schedule, laundry needs to not be quite so high up on the list. Stock up on undies and socks, and an extra pair of jeans for everyone in the family.

2.) Spruce up your own wardrobe.  The writer's life doesn't lend itself to business wear acquisitions, but you'll appreciate having go-to pieces of clothing for headshots, book events, and conferences.  Take a small chunk off the top of your advance and look for pieces that can be dressed up or down (like a silk blouse in a print) and worn for multiple seasons. I'm a big fan of denim suiting pieces for author events - a denim blazer or trouser pant looks polished without being stuffy.  You're a writer, not a stockbroker. Have some fun with your look!

3.) Set goals and stick to them. It seems basic, but it really is helpful.  Figure out how many words per day you need to crank out, be realistic, and work from there.

4.) When it comes to marketing, now is better.  When you get interview requests with questions, do them right away. It's much easier to get those done and sent off rather than keep track of the interviewer's schedule and have it leave the forefront of your consciousness.  Take a break from writing, set a timer, and answer the questions (however brilliant or inane they happen to be).  Just think back to the days of email forwarded surveys...

5.) Keep your files organized. I strongly recommend keeping your headshot jpg (in a large and small size) and book cover jpg (ditto) in the same folder (mine is labled "promotions"), as well as your press release and whatever interviews you're working on. That way, they're ready to go on a moment's notice whenever you're asked.

6.) Look sharp. Speaking of headshots, it's really best of an author shot to be a true head/shoulders shot. More than that, if it's viewed from far away or printed small, isn't going to read as well (and by "read as well," I mean that the image won't be quite as easy to understand or have the same visual impact). During the conference, there was one author who's photo made us scratch our heads until we figured out what was going on in that image.  Simple really is okay - it's your face we want to see!

7.) Synopsize! I totally made up the word, but you get the picture. Basically, if you're thinking ahead about your story's events and structure, you'll spend less time repaving over plot potholes later on down the road.  Seat-of-the-pants writing is only for people with years of time on their hands to write.

8.) Eat. Just not too much... Maintaining a steady blood sugar is important, so make sure you're feeding your brain as you work.  However, know that the write/snack/write/snack thing will come back to bite you - literally - in the behind.  Typing does not burn calories. Watch the munchies - eat smart.

9.) Take breaks. If you're not spending time with your family/friends/spouse/children/dog/cat/whathaveyou, you will become a hull of a human being and a sucky writer. It's okay to back away from the computer. Boundaries are your friend.

10.) Exercise.  I get through writer's block while walking with my husband (and these days, my dog).  The exercise does a lot for your body and your brain chemistry, so make sure to figure it into your schedule.

Remember, you can get creative with your exercise, as demonstrated here:'s my bedtime.  What tricks of the trade have you picked up?

Founder CBS, William S Paley birthday September 28, 1901

William S. Paley (September 28, 1901 – October 26, 1990) was the chief executive who built Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) from a small radio network into one of the foremost radio and television network operations in the United States.

Wikipedia | SHOP: William S Paley

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amazon this weekend announced a partnership with Fox Broadcasting Company. Per a blog post by CEO Jeff Bezos, Amazon said Prime subscribers will now have unlimited access to thousands more hours of movies and TV shows, TechCrunch reports. "These are huge titles, too: "The X-Files," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "24," "Arrested Development," and "The Wonder Years," it notes.
"Yep, you can now stream the adventurers of Kevin Arnold through Amazon's Prime Instant Video." As Bezos boasted, "We now have deals with CBS, NBCUniversal, Sony, and Warner Bros, and adding Fox will bring the total to more than 11,000 movies and TV shows available for unlimited instant streaming." Amazon debuted its Prime Instant Video service early last year.

SHOP: TV Shows

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 24th...

... in 1968 first broadcast of "60 Minutes" on CBS-TV. The program was created by long-time producer Don Hewitt who set it apart by using a unique style of reporter-centered investigation.
It has been among the top-rated TV programs for much of its life, and has garnered numerous awards over the years, including 78 Emmys (as of 2007). It is considered by many to be the preeminent investigative television program in the United States. In 2002, 60 Minutes was ranked #6 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.

Wikipedia | Search for "60 Minutes" on CBS-TV

60 Minutes Today

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Song : If Your Heart's Not In It

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Rabu, 21 September 2011 (7:57 pm)

Pas lagi liat2 file di desktop, mata gua tertuju ama file lagu dari Westlife yang judulnya "If Your Heart's Not In It" and setelah ngubek2 file postingan di blog, rasanya gua belon pernah nge-share lagu yang satu ini jadi pada kesempatan ini gua memutuskan untuk melakukannya.


Simply because this is my most favourite song by Westlife!

Mari berbicara mengenai lagu ini setelah kalian menyimak Youtube-nya dan lirik yang gua sajikan berikut ini buat yang ngga bisa buka youtube-nya, huehehehe..

Enjoy the song!


Youtube is taken from here

"If Your Heart's Not In It"

I'm missing you, girl
Even though you're right here by my side
Cause lately it seems
The distance between us
Is growing too wide

I'm so afraid that you're saying it's over
That's the last thing that I wanna hear

But if your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
If the love's already gone
It's not fair to lead me on
Cause I would give the whole world for you
Anything you ask of me I'd do
But I won't ask you to stay
I'd rather walk away
If your heart's not in it

You say that you love me
But baby sometimes
You're just saying the words
If you've got something to tell me
Don't keep it inside
Let it be heard

I'm so afraid that you're saying it's over
But, girl, I'll make it easy for you

But if your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
If the love's already gone
It's not fair to lead me on
Cause I would give the whole world for you
Anything you ask of me I'd do
But I won't ask you to stay
I'd rather walk away
If your heart's not in it

How I wish I could take us back in time
But it's gone too far
Now we can't rewind

(And there's nothing that I can do
To stop me losing you)

I can't make you change your mind
(If your heart's not in it)

But if your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
If the love's already gone
It's not fair to lead me on
Cause I would give the whole world for you
Anything you ask of me I'd do
But I won't ask you to stay
I'd rather walk away
If your heart's not in it


Gua sukaa.. sukaa bangets ama lagu yang satu ini, dari sejak pertama mendengarnya, dari sejak belon terlalu menangkap liriknya secara utuh sampai dengan udah apal dan menyimak bait demi bait dari lagu ini yang membuat gua semakin jatuh cinta.

Selama ini, dan sampai sekarang gua juga masih sering ngerasa bahwa gua itu mungkin tipe yang lebih senang sweet lies dibanding bitter truth, huehehehe.. tapii.. lagu ini over and over again seakan mengingatkan sisi diri gua yang ternyata ngga demen tuh dibohongin, ahahahaha :p

And gua lagi mikir2.. kalo gua ditempatkan dalam posisi "I" dalam lagu di atas.. gua juga memilih seperti dia.. bukan berarti gua baik2 saja ditinggalkan orang yang gua cintai, tapi gua pikir gua juga ngga akan senang berada bersama dengan seseorang yang hanya berpura2 mencintai gua sementara gua mencurahkan segenap hati gua mencintai dirinya.

Emang sih dibilang kalo cinta sejati itu tidak menuntut, senang memberi tanpa mengharapkan balasan tapi gua pikir2 lagee.. sekecil apapun akan selalu ada bagian dari diri gua yang berharap bahwa gua juga dicintai oleh orang yang gua cintai itu, dengan cinta yang tulus, bukan cinta yang penuh agenda.


Hati itu sulit digenggam dan hati itu seringkali mudah berubah. Apalah gunanya tetap memilikinya secara fisik sementara hatinya telah terpaut sama orang lain?

But if your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
If the love's already gone
It's not fair to lead me on
Cause I would give the whole world for you
Anything you ask of me I'd do
But I won't ask you to stay
I'd rather walk away
If your heart's not in it

Bagian dari lirik di atas itu pastinya ngga gampang untuk diucapkan.. tapi at some point emang perlu untuk diperjelas apakah cinta itu masih ada di sana, apakah rasa itu masih sama seperti dulu, andai telah berubah apakah ke arah yang lebih baik, atau telah berlari menjauh, masih adakah yang bisa dilakukan untuk memperbaiki apa yang 'salah'?

Aahh.. Westlife.. after all these years.. I'm still so very much in love with this song of yours!

Makasih yaa telah menyanyikannya dengan sepenuh hati, karena gua amat sukaa bangets ama lagu yang satu ini!

Topic ended : Rabu, 21 September 2011 (8:33 pm)


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ACFW from the Agent's Perspective: a Q & A with Sandra Bishop

If you're ACFW-bound, I strongly suggest taking a brief break from your packing.  On the blog today is my fabulous agent, ACFW 2010 Agent of the Year Sandra Bishop.  I asked Sandra a few ACFW-pertinent questions, which she was gracious enough to answer (and answer on a short time-frame).  This is information  you won't want to miss!

Hillary: As an Agent, describe the ACFW experience.

Sandra: It's fun. I get to wear dark glasses and skulk around looking for aliens.

H: What elements of ACFW surprised/interested you during your first conference experience?

S: That the "poolside rooms" in which they'd set faculty up for meetings were next to a covered pool. Actually, the organization and appointments are very well run. The staff is amazing and incredibly accommodating of faculty. I think they genuinely appreciate us.

H: When you're meeting with writers, what are elements that grab your interest?

S: Incredible writing. For me, it's always the writing. I see a lot of good writing, but that doesn't do it for me anymore.

H: I feel the same way about chocolate...back to the meetings, though - what are some of your pet peeves when you're meeting with writers?

S: When they don't actually bring a writing sample with them but say "they told us not to!" Who are "they" to tell you what you can have in your bag of tricks. If an agent or editor wants to see your writing and you don't have it, you've missed an opportunity to make a meaningful connection - or cross someone off your list.

H: Are there any cues that make you think, "Hey, this is going to be a really good meeting"?

S: Actually, when someone knows what they want from me. Even if it's just an opinion. Of course I love meetings with calm, focused, and confident authors who know what they are writing, and why. But, I also don't mind just encouraging writers who need it or talking through ideas - if they know that's what they want from the beginning so we don't end up with 45 seconds at the end of the meeting to talk about it.

H: Share a humorous, conference-related anecdote (you know how I enjoy humorous anecdotes).

S: I laughed about it now, though I didn't at the time. ... Once a writer refused to accept my advance critique saying I hadn't edited the whole thing and pushed it back across the table saying I owed him more. I pushed it back to him reminding him I really didn't owe him anything but that we could spend the rest of the time talking about his idea if he'd like. He pushed it back across the table again, stood up, and said "you are going to take this and I'm going to go talk with the conference director to make sure I get my money's worth." I took it and dropped the floor and said "any chance you might have had to work with me just landed where this is going. Good luck with the director." I like to think he learned a valuable lesson - and got his money's worth - though I doubt it. As it turns out, the director refunded his fee for the advance critique and invited him never to return to the conference.

H: Oh my goodness! I've said it before - do not be that guy!  It never ends well.  Let's talk food.  Mealtimes are generally conference-Kosher times to pitch to both agents and editors. What are good, non-obnoxious ways to gauge an editor/agent's interest?

S: Honestly, meals are hard because it's often times difficult to hear. If you don't get a chance to pitch your idea, don't despair. If you do, speak up and have a statement ready, which answers the following questions:
Are you published; in what genre are you writing; and what's the hook of your story. If they want to hear more about it, ask when they might have a few minutes to talk, or if you can contact them later. This gives others a chance and demonstrates that you're not desperate!

H: Because desperate is bad. Any additional tips for ACFW-bound writers?

S: Have fun, take notes, be assertive but not aggressive, and remember God may have plans for you you haven't even considered.

H: Excellent advice! Thanks so much for stopping by!

You may now resume your conference packing.  See you soon!

WBZ Boston MA

WBZ-AM, Boston’s oldest radio station and the first commercially licensed station in America, celebrated its 90th birthday. WBZ's initial license, for operation in Springfield, was issued by the Department of Commerce to the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company on September 15, 1921.


Monday, September 19, 2011

WDEL, Wilmington, DE

WDEL (1150 AM) is a news/talk radio station in Wilmington, Delaware. WDEL first signed on in 1922 and is one of the first 100 broadcast radio stations licensed in the US. WDEL is a class B (regional) station, currently operating at 5,000 watts. For much of its history, WDEL was an NBC affiliate. Prior to 1942, WDEL was co-owned with WILM with WDEL taking programs primarily from NBC's Red Network and WILM taking programs mostly from NBC's Blue Network. With the demise of old time network radio in the 1950s, WDEL adopted a full service format combining news, sports and middle of the road music. Among its personalities were disc jockeys Dick Graham, Bill Horleman and Arnold Zenker, sports director Bill Pheiffer and news reporters Manning Kimmel, Joe Mosbrook, Burke Hully and Pat Ciarrocchi...

Wikipedia | About WDEL

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life & Washing Machine

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 (7:56 pm)

Because of the 'maid' incident, for couple more days I still had to do the laundry even after the holiday was over..

Topic continues : Saturday, September 17, 2011 (5:47 pm)

There are 5 steps that I usually do each time I use the washing machine..

First and second one are to use the detergent so all the dirts in the clothes got separated from the fabrics.

The 3rd step is the use only water to make the clothes free from the bubbles.

And the 4th step is to use Molto to soften and make the clothes smell wonderful.

The last one is to dry the clean clothes before hanging them for the sun to dry.

While watching those clothes being cleansed.. suddenly I thought that maybe life was like a washing machine, too..

If only those clothes have mouth and can talk, maybe they will tell us that their time in the washing machine ain't that enjoyable at all and such a miserable one to feel your body being twisted here and there, not to mention how much water the clothes need to swallow and yuucckk.. those detergents might not taste delicious, ehh?

So they might suffer from headache, stomachache, and only clothes know what other pains they might feel!

Maybe what the clothes have to go through in that washing machine is the same like we're dealing with life.

At times in life, we might feel like our world has been turned upside down, there might even be time when you feel hard to breathe, when you feel like you want to runaway and leave all things behind cause you just can't stand the pain any longer..

But after all is done.. like the clothes that have been shiny, clean and smells good.. the same goes for us..

Suddenly life gets better and all things seem wonderful!


So when the going gets tough.. when everything seems to fall apart.. all we need to do is hold on.. just a little longer until it's all over and the sun shines again and sets aside the dark clouds that had been hanging for wayy to long?


Topic ended : Saturday, September 17, 2011 (6:29 pm)


Radio Moscow...

Radio Moscow began broadcasting on September 17, 1922 with a transmitter station RV-1 in the Moscow region. In 1925 a second broadcasting centre came on air at Leningrad. Radio Moscow was broadcasting (on mediumwave and shortwave) in English, French, German, Italian and Arabic by 1939. Radio Moscow did express concern over the rise of German dictator Adolf Hitler during the 1930s, and its Italian mediumwave service specifically was jammed by an order of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini during the late 1930s.

Wikipedia |

European radio stations streaming live on the internet

Nothing is Impossible For God!

On this day of your life, Indah, we believe God wants you to know ... 
that when an impossible must happen, put it on God's to-do list.
Message from God
Well, if you can't make it happen, and no one else can, there is 
only thing left to do, - finally look up and trust in God to make it right. 

What a message for the dayy!! ;)

Sat 17/9 (5:37 pm)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fashion Disconnect of a Delicate Nature

This post began to brew in my head when I watched last night's Project Runway, and came to a head when I read this post earlier today.

You can watch the episode yourself here, or read the EW recap here.
Basically, the episode's challenge involved husbands and boyfriends coming in to help design a runway garment for their significant other.  There were men who knew what their ladies enjoyed wearing and men who were aware that their sweethearts wore clothes, but couldn't describe these clothes, their colors, or their general shape.

Marilyn Monroe, en pointe
It was amusing.

I have full faith, for the record, that my husband would be very, very good at this.

Sofia Vergara
The trickiness with the challenge was that the designers were designing for clients, and clients are shaped differently than models.

Some designers celebrated this fact.  Others - Olivier - were displeased with the turn of events.  Sure, they want to design clothes.  Sure, these clothes become a line which would be sold to retailers with the eventual reality being that they would be worn by women....

Designer Olivier Green, pondering the breast situation
But for some...Olivier...this was a problem.  He liked to design for models.  Why?  They don't have breasts.  He's good with this.  More than good, because he prefers for women not to have breasts.  "It disrupts the line," or something like that.
Much was made over the fact that these "real women" had "large breasts," "large hips," "large everything."  Those of us in the audience could point that that these womanly attributes, for most women, are not "large," simply "existent."

First Lady Dolly Payne Todd Madison
Now, a good deal of humor was to be found, since one husband was quite vocal about his obsession with his wife's breasts.  He liked talking about them very much, awkwardly, and every time the subject came up, Olivier looked as though he wanted to curl in a fetal position.  He fussed about not knowing what to do, or how to sew around them, and when he found out that he was designing for a woman with breasts described as a "Double D" he was truly confused.

How confused? He had to have the concept explained by the checkout girl at Mood.  "It's a cup size," she said.

"Hellooo! Our swimwear doubles as a girdle!"
It's probably for the best that she didn't go into bandwidth, and the fact that a 34DD is a very, very different cup size than a 38DD.  He probably would have quit the show.

The fashion world's abhorrence of breasts has long been a subject of contention for me.  While some women have smaller breasts and some women have larger breasts, breasts are a genetically-given part of a woman's anatomy. They have purpose, as do hips.

Sophia Loren at Cannes

But for some reasons, breasts are not en vogue. This has not always been the case.  In fact, for centuries, it was considered a good thing for women to have breasts.  They went out of style in the 1920's, but returned a decade later, and continued until the 60's when the "Twiggy" look became popular.

Am not a fan of her myself.

Is it that breasts are so 1891?

Andrej Pejic, of the manly legs
There are beautiful, feminine women with small breasts.  There are beautiful, feminine women with large breasts.  My point is that fashion shouldn't exclusively design for small-to-nonexistent breasts.

But where are we now? We live in a world where you can have a man work the runway for both men's and women's apparel.  The women's apparel is not designed for a body that appears womanly.  The article says that model Andrej Pejic looked just like every other young woman coming down the runway, but I'd like to point out that those are MAN LEGS.

I don't care how slim they are, the muscles are just structured differently.

Joan Harris, my hero

Add the fact that in 2010 alone, 319,123 breast augmentation surgeries were performed. Considering that 138,152 breast reduction surgeries were performed in the same year, it means that a woman is more likely to have cosmetic surgery performed on her breasts than any other body part.
It also means that, in America, they just keep getting bigger.

Just saying.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Radio World: FM Auction Plans Are in Place

Radio World: FM Auction Plans Are in Place

Fall 2011 Films to Look Forward To

On one hand, I have mixed feelings about the upcoming fall releases. We had a very strong summer when it came to female-centric films, between Bridesmaids and The Help.  So it's a little disappointing to look at the fall offerings and wonder - where are the ladies?

That said, there are films with huge potential coming up, especially since Oscar-bait films have begun to roll out earlier in the last few years.  Beginning with...

Drive - September 16

To say that Drive is "buzzy" much of an understatement I can't think of a good metaphor.  It's been compared to The Godfather, early reviews are glowy, and it found much film festival love at the Venice and TFF festivals.

It has cars that go fast, so it's kind of automatically in watch-list, but the critical acclaim and solid cast doesn't hurt, either.

Moneyball - September 23

Brad Pitt's role in Moneyball has been called Redford-esque, and my guess that it's the role just as much as the floppy hair. With the screenplay by Stephen Zaillian (Schindler's List, Searching for Bobby Fisher) and Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, The American President) and a strong cast, the film should be good even if the A's have been tanking.

The Ides of March - October 7

Clooney! Gosling! Giamatti! Seymour-Hoffman! Tomei! Wood!

That's pretty much all I have to say.

The Three Musketeers - October 21

I want this to be campy costume fun, in the A Knight's Tale, Clash of the Titans, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl tradition, and since there are ninjas (in, um *cough* France) in the trailer, it looks like the camp as well as the costume are fully accounted for. Actually, the ninjas bring to mind Brotherhood of the Wolf, that well-made French Canadian genre mash-up that brought werewolves and ninjas to France...same ninjas? Difficult to say. But there's a coming apocalypse in the French court (I hate when that happens), so we'll see how goes. The cast features several of my favorite import actors - Mads Mikkelsen, Christoph Waltz, and Matthew MacFadyen, as well as Milla Jovovich having Fun With Wires and Swords.  As a Summit release, this movie has been paid for by the Twilight foundation. We'll find out in October if Summit can find success with a film that doesn't involve Perpetually Shirtless Young Men.

The Descendants - November 18

The "other" Clooney film, this one helmed by Sideways guy Alexander Payne. Will probably pick up an Original Screenplay nomination come January. The trailer looks a little aimless, but when it comes to picking scripts, George makes good calls.  And Judy Greer makes an appearance, though her moments of utter brilliance may be behind us.

Hugo - November 23

Heart keys, plucky children, funny dog cutaway shots, heartwarming adventure, brought to us by...Martin Scorcese?  C'est vrai, and with its cineast references to French film and toymaker Georges Méliès, it really looks terrific.

The Muppets - November 23

Oh, Miss Piggy. It's been too long.  I hope you and Amy Adams got along...

Quick Update: The Muppets camp just released this trailer spoof of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer.  It's awesome.

The Artist - November 23

Nostalgia is big business this year.  After the uber-successful Midnight in Paris, we have another look back in time.  This time it's the era of silent films, when screens (and the film stock) really were silver, toes tapped, and an actress could break hearts with the flutter of an eyelash. What I think has been discovered in the wake of Midnight is that, in our post-9/11 world, there is a market for well-made charm.

I have to say, The Artist is the film I'm most looking forward to.  I grew up on the song-and-dance films of Hollywood's Golden Age, so The Artist takes me to a happy place.  That said, I can't get over the scene in the trailer when the blond throws the newspaper at the dog.  Seriously! The dog?

What are you looking forward to seeing this fall?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WASH, Washington, DC Beautiful Music Promo 1960

Early in the 1960's before Beautiful Music radio took off with 24 hour formats, WASH-FM in Washington DC pioneered the Beautiful Music genre with a daily morning program sandwiched into their basic classical music format. Ev Dillard (c1950's photo) was owner manager of WASH and The Commercial Radio Equipment Company. The station was part of the early Continental Radio Network and WQXR network. The promo spot was recorded by one of their early announcers, R A Campbell.


Everett L. Dillard died at the age of 82, June 28, 1988, at his home in Titusville, Florida. Dillard was the former owner of WASH-FM in Washington, which he acquired in 1944, and WDON, an AM station in Wheaton, Maryland which he acquired in 1953. He sold WASH in 1968 to Metromedia, Inc. and WDON in 1974. During the 1940s he also headed the Washington-based Continental FM Network, a 52-station hookup. The Continental Network was Dillard’s & Edwin Howard Armstrong's creation to get some content for Armstrong’s Alpine, NJ, station. Dillard's WASH fed a 15 kHz phone line to Alpine. Some of the content was WASH's evening classical record program. The network “connected” Dillard’s WASH-FM to stations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York (as far west as Buffalo), Connecticut, Massachusetts and ending at Mount Washington, in New Hampshire. Many of the stations picked up the broadcast from the station "down the line" and rebroadcast it, thus allowing the next station "up the line" to pick-up the broadcast and forward it along. He founded the Commercial Radio Equipment Co. in Washington in 1942. During World War II the company sold quartz crystals to the Armed Forces. Later it specialized in radio broadcast equipment sales and consulting. WASH-FM also conducted early experiments with stereo broadcasts. One system was to broadcast one channel over WASH-FM, and the other channel on another of Dillard’s stations, WDON-AM. (1540 Kc Wheaton, MD). R.A. Campbell, who in the early '60s spun classical LPs at WASH-FM and read the news for sister station WDON, shares these details: "The (WDON) AM signal was phone lined (from 11216 Ga. Ave.) to the transmitter building (2647 University Blvd. W.). FM announcers recorded newscasts on an Ampex 601 and fed the AM on cue. Around 4PM I would monitor Don Dillard's cue 'here is Alan Campbell and the news' and I would roll the tape fed down the line to his console which was then on the air to the AM transmitter. (A wire running back at WASH-FM on the side of the FM tower)." Dillard sold WASH-FM in 1968 to Metromedia for $10 million dollars. Soon after the studios and transmitter were moved from Wheaton, MD to Metromedia’s Wisconsin Ave. headquarters. The transmitter was moved to Metromedia’s WTTG-TV transmitter facility and broadcast from the WTTG-TV tower.


A post at indicates Dillard founded Kansas City's first FM station, KOZY, which dates to the pre-war FM band. Dillard, previously founded WLBF (later KCKN). Studios and transmitter were at the Porter Building at 34th and Broadway. Dillard was the experimental licensee of W9XA at 26.45 mHz 1937-39, operating both in AM and FM modes. His first FM station application was submitted to the FCC on March 1, 1940. K49KC was on the air in 1942 at 44.9 mHz. When numeric FM calls were discontinued, Dillard chose the KOZY calls. KOZY moved to 99.9 mHz during the postwar change of the FM band to 88-108 mHz, and then to 98.1 mHz in 1947 when interstation spacing was changed from 0.4 to 0.8 mHz. KOZY went off the air early in 1950 after it lost its lease on studio and transmitter site. Dillard requested deletion for economic reasons, which was granted by the FCC on February 15, 1951.

Cecil Brown birthday September 14, 1907

Cecil Brown (September 14, 1907 in New Brighton, Pennsylvania – October 25, 1987) was the author of the book Suez to Singapore, which describes the sinking of HMS Repulse in December 1941. He also has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, at 6410 Hollywood Blvd. for his contribution to radio.. He was a war correspondent who worked closely with Edward R. Murrow during WWII.

NYTimes | Wikipedia | Search for Suez to Singapore

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Radio Remotes

In broadcast engineering, a remote broadcast (usually just called a remote or a live remote) is broadcasting done from a location away from a formal television studio and is considered an electronic field production (EFP). A remote pickup unit (RPU) is usually used to transmit the audio and/or video back to the television station, where it joins the normal airchain. Other methods include satellite trucks, production trucks and even regular telephone lines if necessary.

Wikipedia Search for remote broadcast

Jack Benny: Remotes (Old Time Radio)

Big Band Remotes - Mp3 on Dvd               smoldering big band remotes LP

The Weel Mobile was a converted bread delivery truck used for remotes by Northern Virgina radio station WEEL, Fairfax. A 1960 photo by RACampbell a weekend DJ.

Kejadian & Keputusan

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Selasa, 13 September 2011 (7:10 pm)

Beberapa waktu lalu ketika BBM gua masih aktif, gua sempat mengamati status salah satu kontak gua yang kurang lebih bunyinya gini :

"Dalam hidup ini selalu ada 2 pilihan, yaitu menerima keadaan sebagaimana terjadinya atau menerima tanggung jawab untuk mengubahnya."

Gua lupa itu kata2nya siapa, pastinya sih in English and dalam tatanan bahasa yang lebih teratur, haha..

Kenapa membutuhkan waktu bagi gua untuk menuliskan hal ini? Karena pertama kali membaca status itu, gua ngerasa kesindir, wakakakakak :p

And gua kadang itu termasuk tipe yang butuh waktu lama untuk memproses sesuatu, betapapun menariknya hal itu kadang ngga bisa langsung dituangkan dalam tulisan dan harus diendapkan dulu sebelon bisa melihatnya dengan lebih jelas, setidaknya versi gua.

Kalau ditanya, di antara kedua pilihan tersebut, manakah yang lebih baik, gua ngga bisa menjawabnya dengan pasti, karena gimana ya terkadang gua ngerasa makin lama ini bukan soal mana yang lebih baik untuk dilakukan karena in the end, kita juga ngga tau mana yang memberikan hasil yang lebih baik, iya khan? Kita hanya bisa berasumsi sementara yang tau pasti itu cuman Tuhan.

Jadi mungkin lebih kepada, apapun pilihan yang akhirnya kita ambil, di area itulah kita perlu belajar.

Buat orang yang pasif seperti gua, tentunya lebih mudah mengambil pilihan yang kedua donks aww, sementara mereka yang proaktif mungkin lebih memilih opsi pertama.

Walau demikian, bukan berarti yang satu itu lebih mudah dibanding yang lain sih. Karena at times, belajar nerima itu susah lhoo.. menerima bahwa serapi apapun rencana yang kita buat, selalu ada celah yang memberi kesempatan pada sesuatu di luar rencana untuk terjadi dan memporakporandakan rencana yang telah kita susun.

Menerima.. kesannya pasif amat ya, haha.. tapi gua pikir hal ini juga butuh perjuangan untuk bisa sampai pada tahap menerima tanpa mempertanyakan.

Sama halnya dengan memperjuangkan sesuatu yang berharga buat elo, walau mungkin ujung2nya elo malah harus belajar untuk menerima sementara yang mengambil langkah awal 'nerima' justru akhirnya harus belajar berjuang.

Kadang yaa.. gua pikir mungkin hidup ini seperti buku ceritanya Enid Blyton yang "Pilih Sendiri Petualanganmu", hanya saja bedanya kalo di buku Enid itu kita bisa mengintips hasil akhir dari pilihan yang kita ambil ataupun hasil akhir dari alternatif pilihan lainnya yang tersedia. Sementara dalam kehidupan nyata, kita hanya tau hasil dari pilihan yang kita ambil.

Sometimes I do wish I had more fighting spirits within me.. tapi dipikir2 lagi, kecenderungan gua mungkin emang seperti ini and He knows very well seperti apakah diri gua and right now I'm at the very right place where I suppose to be, regardless what others might think..

Karena terkadang hanya waktu yang bisa membuat kita menoleh ke belakang untuk bisa menyadari bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini dan di masa lalu itu memang harus terjadi untuk kita bisa sampai ke titik di mana kita berada di waktu mendatang. 


Topic ended : Selasa, 13 September 2011 (7:54 pm)
