Friday, April 16, 2010

Singing Stories : The Need To Be

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Jumat, 16 April 2010 (7:25 pm)

Gua pertama denger lagu ini di film "I Can Do Bad By Myself", kalo ngga salah sih judulnya itu, hahaha.. pastinya filmnya si Tyler Perry dhe.

Nahh.. sekilas liriknya itu lumayan nyangkut di gua walau nadanya gimana seeh yaa gua kaga, wakakakak :p

Tapi yukk marii.. disimak dulu..

Lirik diambil dari :

"The Need To Be"
Gladys Knight

To for-fill to need to be
Who I am in this world
Is all I ask
I can't pretend to be something I'm not
And I won't wear a mask
You've touched my face with love in your eyes
But will you touch my heart
With the understanding that it takes to realize
I just can't play a part
There's the need to be true to myself
And make my own mistakes
And not to lean too hard on someone else
No matter what it takes

So if you're sure it's love
Just be sure it's love
For this thing called me
'Cause I am what I am and
I have the need to be

I'm not fool enough to ever think
That I could be the master of my fate
But it's up to me to choose my roads in life
Rocky may well be the ones I take
There's the need to be something more than
Just a reflection of a man
I can't survive in someone's shadow
I need my own spot to stand

So if you're sure it's love
Just be sure it's love
For this thing called me
I am what I am and
I have the need to be

So if you're sure it's love
Just be sure it's love
For this thing called me
I am what I am and
I have the need to be..


To for-fill to need to be who I am in this world is all I ask
=> Pernah ngga sih bertanya2 siapa sih diri kita ini? Apa yang harus kita lakukan selama kita di dunia?

I can't pretend to be something I'm not

=> Ada masa di mana kita pernah berpura2 untuk menjadi seseorang yang bukan diri kita, hanya supaya diterima oleh lingkungan sekitar kita. But in time we will realize that kita ngga bisa terus berpura2 selamanya.

And I won't wear a mask

=> Topeng itu bagusnya hanya digunakan sesekali aja karena kalo digunakan terlalu lama tuh jangan2 nanti kita bakal lupa wajah asli kita seperti apa :p

You've touched my face with love in your eyes
But will you touch my heart
With the understanding that it takes to realize
I just can't play a part

=> Hmm.. menyentuh wajah seseorang itu gampang.. tapi untuk bisa menyentuhnya sampai ke hatinya, well.. itu butuh usaha lebih keras lagi, haha.. walau ya jangan dengan jalan kekerasan untuk masuk ke dalam hati seseorang :p

There's the need to be true to myself

=> Yupp.. kita semua at one point in our life pasti ingin untuk bisa jujur sepenuhnya akan who we are inside, the truly 'us' yang udah sekian lama berusaha dipendam dan bersembunyi di sudut terdalam.

And make my own mistakes

=> Kemaren ini pas nonton "When in Rome", sang ayah berpesan pada anaknya : don't learn from my mistakes, make your own! Hmm.. itu ada benarnya, karena dengan melakukan kesalahan sendiri itu ada sentuhan personalnya yang akan memberikan kita suatu rasa serta suatu pembelajaran yang ngga akan kita dapatnya hanya dengan belajar dari kesalahan yang dibuat oleh orang lain.

And not to lean too hard on someone else
No matter what it takes

=> Hmm.. hmm..

So if you're sure it's love
Just be sure it's love
For this thing called me
'Cause I am what I am and
I have the need to be

=> I am what I am and I can never be anyone else no matter how hard I try to be.

I'm not fool enough to ever think
That I could be the master of my fate

=> Nah nahh.. di lagu yang lain bilang 'be the master of your destiny', hahaha.. kenapa di sini malah ngomongin hal yang bertentangan? :p

But it's up to me to choose my roads in life

=> Iyaa.. kita itu punya kebebasan untuk memilih, hanya aja seringkali kita ngga menggunakannya.

Rocky may well be the ones I take

=> Duh.. kenapa milihnya yang berbatu2 yaa? Ehh.. tapii kalo berbatu2 gini tentunya ngga sempet ketiduran di jalan, hahaha :p

There's the need to be something more than
Just a reflection of a man

=> Hmm.. kata2nya bagus yaa ;)

I can't survive in someone's shadow
I need my own spot to stand

=> We all already have our own shadows, kita ngga perlu tambahan bayangan lainnya ataupun jadi bayangan orang lain. Yupp.. I need my own spot to stand!

Rasa2nya perlu untuk nonton ulang filmnya, hahaha.. karena gua beneran udah kaga inget nadanya :p

Okee dokee.. see you in other categoryy, hihihi..

Topic ended : Jumat, 16 April 2010 (8:16 pm)

the soul traveller

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