Thursday, January 7, 2010

Living in My Own World

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Jumat, 8 Januari 2010 (12:03 pm)

Mungkin udah setelan di otak gua juga kali yaa sehingga seringkali gua berasa ketika gua udah terlalu terlibat ama sesuatu atau seseorang, I feel like I need to retreat from them in my own inner world where no one can enter the place without my permission.

I don't know.

walaupun menyenangkan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terkadang terasa melelahkan juga.

Mungkin itu sebabnya gua lebih attach ama games2 yang solitary and ngga terlalu butuh kehadiran orang lain, ahahahaha..

Makanya rada bingung juga kenapa bisa terjebur ama PetSos soalnya tanpa tetangga di Petsos itu kaga bisa lanjut main boo.. mana bisa cuman ngandalin daily lottery doank?

Jelas butuh tetangga buat ngumpulin koin.

Sementara kalo farming games itu lebih enak, asal elo rajin nyangkul and nanam sayur ya beres, bisa terus main walau sendirian.

And bisa bantuin panen di kebon orang lain tanpa perlu menjadi tetangganya terlebih dahulu karena kita bisa ke market place untuk nyari kerjaan :p

That is why I keep on running and running.. and away away from the people around me into the game that I play..

Up to the point where somehow I feel.. kinda.. lost..

It's like I've been living in two worlds, two totally different worlds to be exact.

One that feels "real" and the other one which more like an ilussion, you can feel it but somehow when you try to touch it, you can never grab them with your hands.

And I feel torn apart.

Cause in one world, I can find my "peace", even only momentarily but somehow it's enough to recharge my energy but that place separates me from all other people around me.

Whileas in the other world, it feels like I'm "there" but not totally "there" at the same time, huahaha..

I feel confuse how to explain it :p

And my mixed up moods only make it worse to pour out how I feel into words, huehehe.. so I'd better stop now.

Aahh, before I forget..

Yesterday I've just realized that living in my own world did make me losing a "touch" with my surrounding, I found out late about my friend's accident and the loss of my friend's father in law.

Huaa.. FB.. FB.. sepertinya gua emang musti ngurangin jatah terjerat dalam "pesona" game dirimu dhe aww, huhuhu..

See yaa..

Topic ended : January 8, 2010 (1:13 pm)

the soul traveller

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